Mapnik API documentation

The following is a list of properties provided in CartoCSS that you can apply to map elements when using the Mapnik renderer. Each API version of Mapnik has its own subsection. Pick the one that applies to the version you are running. If there is no subsection for your specific version the next older listed version applies to this version.




Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen color-blind-protanope color-blind-deuteranope color-blind-tritanope colorize-alpha color-to-alpha scale-hsla

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters that will be applied to the active rendering canvas for a given style. The presence of one more image-filters will trigger a new canvas to be created before starting to render a style and then this canvas will be composited back into the main canvas after rendering all features and after all image-filters have been applied. See direct-image-filters if you want to apply a filter directly to the main canvas.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (No special handling will be done and image filters that blur data will only blur up to the edge of a tile boundary)

A property that can be set to true to enable using an inflated image internally for seamless blurring across tiles (requires buffered data).


Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen color-blind-protanope color-blind-deuteranope color-blind-tritanope colorize-alpha color-to-alpha scale-hsla

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters to apply to the main canvas (see the image-filters doc for how they work on a separate canvas).


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current layer on top of other layers)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (No separate buffer will be used and no alpha will be applied to the style after rendering.)

An alpha value for the style (which means an alpha applied to all features in separate buffer and then composited back to main buffer).




Type: color

Default Value: none (Will be rendered transparent.)

Map Background color.


Type: uri

Default Value: (No background image will be used.)

An image that is repeated below all features on a map as a background. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (The background-image will be blended with the background normally (placed on top of any existing background-color).)

Set the compositing operation used to blend the image into the background.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image opacity will not be changed when applied to the map background.)

Set the opacity of the image.


Type: string

Default Value: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (The proj4 literal of EPSG:4326 is assumed to be the Map’s spatial reference and all data from layers within this map will be plotted using this coordinate system. If any layers do not declare an srs value then they will be assumed to be in the same srs as the Map and not transformations will be needed to plot them in the Map’s coordinate space.)

Map spatial reference (proj4 string).


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No buffer will be used.)

Extra tolerance around the map (in pixels) used to ensure labels crossing tile boundaries are equally rendered in each tile (e.g. cut in each tile). Not intended to be used in combination with “avoid-edges”.


Type: string

Default Value: -20037508.34,-20037508.34,20037508.34,20037508.34 (All data will be clipped to global mercator extent (default is applied in Carto.js).)

An extent to be used to limit the bounds used to query all layers during rendering. Should be minx, miny, maxx, maxy in the coordinates of the Map.


Type: string

Default Value: (This base path defaults to an empty string meaning that any relative paths to files referenced in styles or layers will be interpreted relative to the application process.)

Any relative paths used to reference files will be understood as relative to this directory path if the map is loaded from an in memory object rather than from the filesystem. If the map is loaded from the filesystem and this option is not provided it will be set to the directory of the stylesheet.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (No map-specific fonts will be registered.)

Path to a directory which holds fonts which should be registered when the Map is loaded (in addition to any fonts that may be automatically registered).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: rgba(128,128,128,1) (Gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128) or rgba(128,128,128,1).)

Fill color to assign to a polygon.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the polygon.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon edges.


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA.)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extend outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify geometries by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify geometries by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform polygon geometry with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: black (black and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,1).)

The color of a drawn line.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The line will be rendered 1 pixel wide.)

The width of a line in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of a line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: miter miter-revert round bevel

Default Value: miter (The line joins will be rendered using a miter look.)

The behavior of lines when joining.


Type: keyword

Possible values: butt round square

Default Value: butt (The line endings will be rendered using a butt look.)

The display of line endings.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of stroke line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA.)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (The line will be drawn without dashes.)

A pair of length values [a,b], where (a) is the dash length and (b) is the gap length respectively. More than two values are supported for more complex patterns.


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (The line will be drawn without dashes.)

Valid parameter but not currently used in renderers (only exists for experimental svg support in Mapnik which is not yet enabled).


Type: float

Default Value: 4 (Will auto-convert miters to bevel line joins when theta is less than 29 degrees as per the SVG spec: ‘miterLength / stroke-width = 1 / sin ( theta / 2 )’.)

The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke-width. Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles to avoid the miter extending beyond the thickness of the stroking path. Normally will not need to be set, but a larger value can sometimes help avoid jaggy artifacts.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify geometries by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify geometries by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Status: unstable

Default Value: 0 (Will not be offset.)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The line will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate AGG rendering method that sacrifices some accuracy for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform line geometry with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a marker symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (An ellipse or circle, if width equals height.)

A file that this marker shows at each placement. If no file is given, the marker will show an ellipse. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The stroke-opacity and fill-opacity of the marker.)

The overall opacity of the marker, if set, overrides both the opacity of the fill and the opacity of the stroke.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The fill opacity of the marker. This property will also set the fill-opacity of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The marker will be drawn with a black outline.)

The color of the stroke around the marker. This property will also set the stroke of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.5 (The marker will be drawn with an outline of .5 pixels wide.)

The width of the stroke around the marker, in pixels. This is positioned on the boundary, so high values can cover the area itself. This property will also set the stroke-width of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque. This property will also set the ``stroke-opacity`` of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.)

The opacity of a line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line interior vertex-first vertex-last

Default Value: point (Place markers at the center point (centroid) of the geometry.)

Attempt to place markers on a point, in the center of a polygon, or if markers-placement:line, then multiple times along a line. ‘interior’ placement can be used to ensure that points placed on polygons are forced to be inside the polygon interior. The ‘vertex-first’ and ‘vertex-last’ options can be used to place markers at the first or last vertex of lines or polygons.


Type: keyword

Possible values: each whole largest

Default Value: each (If a feature contains multiple geometries and the placement type is either point or interior then a marker will be rendered for each.)

A special setting to allow the user to control rendering behavior for ‘multi-geometries’ (when a feature contains multiple geometries). This setting does not apply to markers placed along lines. The ‘each’ policy is default and means all geometries will get a marker. The ‘whole’ policy means that the aggregate centroid between all geometries will be used. The ‘largest’ policy means that only the largest (by bounding box areas) feature will get a rendered marker (this is how text labeling behaves by default).


Type: keyword

Status: deprecated

Possible values: arrow ellipse

Default Value: ellipse (The marker shape is an ellipse.)

The default marker-type. If a SVG file is not given as the marker-file parameter, the renderer provides either an arrow or an ellipse (a circle if height is equal to width).


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (The marker width is 10 pixels.)

The width of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (The marker height is 10 pixels.)

The height of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: color

Default Value: blue (The marker fill color is blue.)

The color of the area of the marker. This property will also set the fill of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow markers to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping markers are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Markers will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless they are rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing markers that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache.)

Value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features.


Type: float

Default Value: 100 (In the case of marker-placement:line then draw a marker every 100 pixels along a line.)

Space between repeated markers in pixels. If the spacing is less than the marker size or larger than the line segment length then no marker will be placed. Any value less than 1 will be ignored and the default will be used instead.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.2 (N/A: not intended to be changed.)

N/A: not intended to be changed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform marker instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform marker geometry with specified function.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Will not be offset.)

Offsets a marker from a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the marker left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: auto auto-down left right left-only right-only up down

Default Value: right (Markers are oriented to the right in the line direction.)

How markers should be placed along lines. With the “auto” setting when marker is upside down the marker is automatically rotated by 180 degrees to keep it upright. The “auto-down” value places marker in the opposite orientation to “auto”. The “left” or “right” settings can be used to force marker to always be placed along a line in a given direction and therefore disables rotating if marker appears upside down. The “left-only” or “right-only” properties also force a given direction but will discard upside down markers rather than trying to flip it. The “up” and “down” settings don’t adjust marker’s orientation to the line direction.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a shield symbolizer rule.


Type: string

Default Value: (No text label will be rendered with the shield.)

Value to use for a shield”s text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name].


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to render behind the shield text. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: string

Default Value: none

Font name and style to use for the shield text.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (text alignment relative to the shield image uses the center of the image as the anchor for text positioning.)

This parameter should be set to true if you are trying to position text beside rather than on top of the shield image.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (Font size of 10 will be used to render text.)

The size of the shield text in pixels.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The shield text will be rendered black.)

The color of the shield text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior grid alternating-grid

Default Value: point (One shield will be placed per geometry.)

How this shield should be placed. Point placement places one shield on top of a point geometry and at the centroid of a polygon or the middle point of a line, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of a polygon.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Shields will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless they are rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing shields that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow shields to overlap with other map elements already placed.)

Control whether overlapping shields are shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No extra margin will be used to determine if a shield collides with any other text, shield, or marker.)

Minimum distance that a shield can be placed from any other text, shield, or marker.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shields with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance between repeated shields. If set this will prevent shields being rendered nearby each other that contain the same text. Similar to shield-min-distance with the difference that it works the same no matter what placement strategy is used.


Type: float

Status: deprecated

Default Value: 0 (Shields with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance to any other collision object. Deprecated: replaced by text-margin.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Only one shield per line will attempt to be placed.)

Distance the renderer should use to try to place repeated shields on a line.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No margin will be used to detect if a shield is nearby a tile boundary.)

Minimum distance a shield will be placed from the edge of a tile. This option is similar to shield-avoid-edges:true except that the extra margin is used to discard cases where the shield+margin are not fully inside the tile.


Type: float

Default Value: shield-spacing/2.0 (If a shield cannot be placed then the renderer will advance by shield-spacing/2.0 to try placement again.)

Allows the shield to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line).


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be wrapped.)

Length of a chunk of text in pixels before wrapping text. If set to zero, text doesn’t wrap.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.)

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached.


Type: string

Default Value: “ ” (Lines will be wrapped conforming to the (untailored) Unicode Line Break Algorithm provided by ICU BreakIterator.)

Must be a single character. If you set it to other than the space character, Mapnik will wrap strictly on that character without involving any additional rules.


Type: color

Default Value: white (The shield halo text will be rendered white.)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo.)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The shield will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate text halo rendering method that sacrifices quality for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation.)

Transform shield halo relative to the actual text with specified function. Allows for shadow or embossed effects. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text halo.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (The default character spacing of the font will be used.)

Horizontal spacing between characters (in pixels). Currently works for point placement only, not line placement.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default font spacing will be used.)

Vertical spacing between lines of multiline labels (in pixels).


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the shield right.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the shield down.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shield will not be displaced.)

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shield will not be displaced.)

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the image used for the shield.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the text placed on top of the shield.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

The shield’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint.


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: middle (TODO.)

The shield’s vertical alignment from its centerpoint.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy (Alternative placements will not be enabled.)

Re-position and/or re-size shield to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using shield-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value: (No alternative placements will be used.)

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is shield-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";.


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize reverse

Default Value: none (No text transformation will be applied.)

Transform the case of the characters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left center right auto

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

Define how text in a shield’s label is justified.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform shield instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify the geometries used for shield placement by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify the geometries used for shield placement by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out the angles of the geometry used for shield placement. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No placement will be done.)

Controls horizontal spacing between placements of placement type grid or alternating-grid.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No placement will be done.)

Controls vertical spacing between placements of placement type grid or alternating-grid.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line pattern symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

An image file to be repeated and warped along a line. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications.)

Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The line will not be offset.)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform line geometry with specified function and apply pattern to transformed geometry.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform line pattern instance with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon pattern symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image to use as a repeated pattern fill within a polygon. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: keyword

Possible values: global local

Default Value: global (Patterns will be aligned to the map (or tile boundaries) when being repeated across polygons. This is ideal for seamless patterns in tiled rendering.)

Specify whether to align pattern fills to the layer’s geometry (local) or to the map (global).


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon pattern edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications.)

Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform polygon geometry with specified function and apply pattern to transformed geometry.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform polygon pattern instance with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a raster symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the raster symbolizer on top of other symbolizers.


Type: float

Default Value: -1 (Allow the datasource to choose appropriate downscaling.)

This is used by the Raster or Gdal datasources to pre-downscale images using overviews. Higher numbers can sometimes cause much better scaled image output, at the cost of speed.


Type: keyword

Possible values: near fast bilinear bicubic spline16 spline36 hanning hamming hermite kaiser quadric catrom gaussian bessel mitchell sinc lanczos blackman

Default Value: near (Nearest neighboor resampling will be used to scale the image to the target size of the map.)

The scaling algorithm used to making different resolution versions of this raster layer. Bilinear is a good compromise between speed and accuracy, while lanczos gives the highest quality.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 16 (Reprojection mesh will be 1/16 of the resolution of the source image.)

A reduced resolution mesh is used for raster reprojection, and the total image size is divided by the mesh-size to determine the quality of that mesh. Values for mesh-size larger than the default will result in faster reprojection but might lead to distortion.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: discrete linear exact

Default Value: linear (A linear interpolation is used to generate colors between the two nearest stops.)

This can be either discrete, linear or exact. If it is not specified then the default is linear.


Type: color

Default Value: transparent (Pixels that are not colored by the colorizer stops will be transparent.)

This can be any color. Sets the color that is applied to all values outside of the range of the colorizer-stops. If not supplied pixels will be fully transparent.


Type: float

Default Value: 1.1920928955078125e-07 (Pixels must very closely match the stop filter otherwise they will not be colored.)

This can be any positive floating point value and will be used as a tolerance in floating point comparisions. The higher the value the more likely a stop will match and color data.


Type: tags

Default Value: (No colorization will happen without supplying stops.)

Assigns raster data values to colors. Stops must be listed in ascending order, and contain at a minimum the value and the associated color. You can also include the color-mode as a third argument, like stop(100,#fff,exact).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a point symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (A 4x4 black square will be rendered.)

Image file to represent a point. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow points to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping points are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache.)

Control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A value from 0 to 1 to control the opacity of the point.


Type: keyword

Possible values: centroid interior

Default Value: centroid (The centroid of the geometry will be used to place the point.)

Control how this point should be placed. Centroid calculates the geometric center of a polygon, which can be outside of it, while interior always places inside of a polygon.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform point instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a text symbolizer rule.


Type: string

Default Value: none

Value to use for a text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name].


Type: string

Default Value: none

Font name and style to render a label in.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (Font size of 10 will be used to render text.)

Text size in pixels.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (TODO.)

Define the amount of text (of the total) present on successive lines when wrapping occurs.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be wrapped.)

Length of a chunk of text in pixels before wrapping text. If set to zero, text doesn’t wrap.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.)

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached.


Type: string

Default Value: “ ” (Lines will be wrapped conforming to the (untailored) Unicode Line Break Algorithm provided by ICU BreakIterator.)

Must be a single character. If you set it to other than the space character, Mapnik will wrap strictly on that character without involving any additional rules.


Type: boolean

Status: unstable

Default Value: false (Character will be removed when used to wrap a line.)

Keep the character used to wrap a line instead of removing it, and repeat it on the new line.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Only one label per line will attempt to be placed.)

Distance the renderer should use to try to place repeated text labels on a line.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default character spacing of the font will be used.)

Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters in pixels. This value is ignored when horizontal-alignment is set to adjust. Typographic ligatures are turned off when this value is greater than zero.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default font spacing will be used.)

Vertical spacing adjustment between lines in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: text-spacing/2.0 (If a shield cannot be placed then the renderer will advance by text-spacing/2.0 to try placement again.)

Allows the label to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line).


Type: float

Default Value: 22.5 (The label will not be placed if a character falls on a line with an angle sharper than 22.5 degrees.)

The maximum angle change, in degrees, allowed between adjacent characters in a label. This value internally is converted to radians to the default is 22.5*math.pi/180.0. The higher the value the fewer labels will be placed around around sharp corners.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The text will be rendered black.)

Specifies the color for the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text halo.


Type: color

Default Value: white (The halo will be rendered white.)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo.)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The text will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate text halo rendering method that sacrifices quality for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation.)

Transform text halo relative to the actual text with specified function. Allows for shadow or embossed effects. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. With “dummy” placement-type, a positive value displaces to the right. With “simple” placement-type, it is either left, right or unchanged, depending on the placement selected. Any non-zero value implies “horizontal-alignment” changes to “left” by default. Has no effect with ‘line’ text-placement-type.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. With “dummy” placement-type, a positive value displaces downwards. With “simple” placement-type, it is either up, down or unchanged, depending on the placement selected. With “line” placement-type, a positive value displaces above the path.


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: auto (Default affected by value of dy; “top” for dy>0, “bottom” for dy<0.)

Position of label relative to point position.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Text will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless the same text label is rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing labels that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No extra margin will be used to determine if a label collides with any other text, shield, or marker.)

Minimum distance that a label can be placed from any other text, shield, or marker.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Labels with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance between repeated text. If set this will prevent text labels being rendered nearby each other that contain the same text. Similar to text-min-distance with the difference that it works the same no matter what placement strategy is used.


Type: float

Status: deprecated

Default Value: 0 (Labels with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance to the next label with the same text. Only works for line placement. Deprecated: replaced by text-repeat-distance and text-margin


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No margin will be used to detect if a text label is nearby a tile boundary.)

Minimum distance a text label will be placed from the edge of a tile. This option is similar to shield-avoid-edges:true except that the extra margin is used to discard cases where the shield+margin are not fully inside the tile.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (place labels on all geometries no matter how small they are.)

Place labels only on polygons and lines with a bounding width longer than this value (in pixels).


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow text to overlap with other text - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping text is shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text is not rotated and is displayed upright.)

Rotate the text. (only works with text-placement:point).


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Label center is used for rotation.)

Rotates the displacement around the placement origin by the angle given by “orientation”.


Type: keyword

Possible values: auto auto-down left right left-only right-only

Default Value: auto (Text will be positioned upright automatically.)

How this label should be placed along lines. By default when more than half of a label’s characters are upside down the label is automatically flipped to keep it upright. By changing this parameter you can prevent this “auto-upright” behavior. The “auto-down” value places text in the opposite orientation to “auto”. The “left” or “right” settings can be used to force text to always be placed along a line in a given direction and therefore disables flipping if text appears upside down. The “left-only” or “right-only” properties also force a given direction but will discard upside down text rather than trying to flip it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior grid alternating-grid

Default Value: point (One shield will be placed per geometry.)

How this label should be placed. Point placement places one label on top of a point geometry and at the centroid of a polygon or the middle point of a line, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of a polygon.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy (Alternative placements will not be enabled.)

Re-position and/or re-size text to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using text-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value: (No alternative placements will be used.)

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is text-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";.


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize reverse

Default Value: none (Transform text instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.)

Transform the case of the characters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto adjust

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

The text’s horizontal alignment from it’s centerpoint. If placement is set to line, then adjust can be set to auto-fit the text to the length of the path by dynamically calculating character-spacing.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left right center auto

Default Value: auto (Auto alignment means that text will be centered by default except when using the ``placement-type`` parameter - in that case either right or left justification will be used automatically depending on where the text could be fit given the ``text-placements`` directives.)

Define how text is justified.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify the geometries used for text placement by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify the geometries used for text placement by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out the angles of the geometry used for text placement. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: string

Default Value: (Default set of typographic features recommended by OpenType specification. Ligatures are turned off by default when ``character-spacing`` is greater than zero.)

Comma separated list of OpenType typographic features. The syntax and semantics conforms to font-feature-settings from W3C CSS.


Type: boolean

Status: experimental

Default Value: true (For multipolygons only polygon with largest bbox area is labeled (does not apply to other geometries).)

Controls default labeling behavior on multipolygons. The default is true and means that only the polygon with largest bbox is labeled.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No placement will be done.)

Controls horizontal spacing between placements of placement type grid or alternating-grid.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No placement will be done.)

Controls vertical spacing between placements of placement type grid or alternating-grid.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a building symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: The color gray will be used for fill. (Gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128) or rgba(128,128,128,1).)

The color of the buildings fill. Note: 0.8 will be used to multiply each color component to auto-generate a darkened wall color.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the building as a whole, including all walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Buildings will not have a visual height and will instead look like flat polygons.)

The height of the building in pixels.



Type: keyword

Possible values: collision vertex

Default Value: collision (The otherwise invisible collision boxes will be rendered as squares on the map.)

The mode for debug rendering.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a dot symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: gray (The dot fill color is gray.)

The color of the area of the dot.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The opacity of the dot.)

The overall opacity of the dot.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The marker width is 1 pixel.)

The width of the dot in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The marker height is 1 pixels.)

The height of the dot in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current layer on top of other layers.)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.




Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen color-blind-protanope color-blind-deuteranope color-blind-tritanope colorize-alpha color-to-alpha scale-hsla

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters that will be applied to the active rendering canvas for a given style. The presence of one more image-filters will trigger a new canvas to be created before starting to render a style and then this canvas will be composited back into the main canvas after rendering all features and after all image-filters have been applied. See direct-image-filters if you want to apply a filter directly to the main canvas.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (No special handling will be done and image filters that blur data will only blur up to the edge of a tile boundary)

A property that can be set to true to enable using an inflated image internally for seamless blurring across tiles (requires buffered data).


Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen color-blind-protanope color-blind-deuteranope color-blind-tritanope colorize-alpha color-to-alpha scale-hsla

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters to apply to the main canvas (see the image-filters doc for how they work on a separate canvas).


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current layer on top of other layers)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (No separate buffer will be used and no alpha will be applied to the style after rendering.)

An alpha value for the style (which means an alpha applied to all features in separate buffer and then composited back to main buffer).




Type: color

Default Value: none (Will be rendered transparent.)

Map Background color.


Type: uri

Default Value: (No background image will be used.)

An image that is repeated below all features on a map as a background. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (The background-image will be blended with the background normally (placed on top of any existing background-color).)

Set the compositing operation used to blend the image into the background.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image opacity will not be changed when applied to the map background.)

Set the opacity of the image.


Type: string

Default Value: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (The proj4 literal of EPSG:4326 is assumed to be the Map’s spatial reference and all data from layers within this map will be plotted using this coordinate system. If any layers do not declare an srs value then they will be assumed to be in the same srs as the Map and not transformations will be needed to plot them in the Map’s coordinate space.)

Map spatial reference (proj4 string).


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No buffer will be used.)

Extra tolerance around the map (in pixels) used to ensure labels crossing tile boundaries are equally rendered in each tile (e.g. cut in each tile). Not intended to be used in combination with “avoid-edges”.


Type: string

Default Value: -20037508.34,-20037508.34,20037508.34,20037508.34 (All data will be clipped to global mercator extent (default is applied in Carto.js).)

An extent to be used to limit the bounds used to query all layers during rendering. Should be minx, miny, maxx, maxy in the coordinates of the Map.


Type: string

Default Value: (This base path defaults to an empty string meaning that any relative paths to files referenced in styles or layers will be interpreted relative to the application process.)

Any relative paths used to reference files will be understood as relative to this directory path if the map is loaded from an in memory object rather than from the filesystem. If the map is loaded from the filesystem and this option is not provided it will be set to the directory of the stylesheet.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (No map-specific fonts will be registered.)

Path to a directory which holds fonts which should be registered when the Map is loaded (in addition to any fonts that may be automatically registered).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: rgba(128,128,128,1) (Gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128) or rgba(128,128,128,1).)

Fill color to assign to a polygon.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the polygon.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon edges.


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA.)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extend outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify geometries by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify geometries by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform polygon geometry with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: black (black and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,1).)

The color of a drawn line.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The line will be rendered 1 pixel wide.)

The width of a line in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of a line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: miter miter-revert round bevel

Default Value: miter (The line joins will be rendered using a miter look.)

The behavior of lines when joining.


Type: keyword

Possible values: butt round square

Default Value: butt (The line endings will be rendered using a butt look.)

The display of line endings.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of stroke line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA.)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (The line will be drawn without dashes.)

A pair of length values [a,b], where (a) is the dash length and (b) is the gap length respectively. More than two values are supported for more complex patterns.


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (The line will be drawn without dashes.)

Valid parameter but not currently used in renderers (only exists for experimental svg support in Mapnik which is not yet enabled).


Type: float

Default Value: 4 (Will auto-convert miters to bevel line joins when theta is less than 29 degrees as per the SVG spec: ‘miterLength / stroke-width = 1 / sin ( theta / 2 )’.)

The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke-width. Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles to avoid the miter extending beyond the thickness of the stroking path. Normally will not need to be set, but a larger value can sometimes help avoid jaggy artifacts.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify geometries by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify geometries by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Status: unstable

Default Value: 0 (Will not be offset.)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The line will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate AGG rendering method that sacrifices some accuracy for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform line geometry with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a marker symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (An ellipse or circle, if width equals height.)

A file that this marker shows at each placement. If no file is given, the marker will show an ellipse. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The stroke-opacity and fill-opacity of the marker.)

The overall opacity of the marker, if set, overrides both the opacity of the fill and the opacity of the stroke.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The fill opacity of the marker. This property will also set the fill-opacity of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The marker will be drawn with a black outline.)

The color of the stroke around the marker. This property will also set the stroke of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.5 (The marker will be drawn with an outline of .5 pixels wide.)

The width of the stroke around the marker, in pixels. This is positioned on the boundary, so high values can cover the area itself. This property will also set the stroke-width of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque. This property will also set the ``stroke-opacity`` of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.)

The opacity of a line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line interior vertex-first vertex-last

Default Value: point (Place markers at the center point (centroid) of the geometry.)

Attempt to place markers on a point, in the center of a polygon, or if markers-placement:line, then multiple times along a line. ‘interior’ placement can be used to ensure that points placed on polygons are forced to be inside the polygon interior. The ‘vertex-first’ and ‘vertex-last’ options can be used to place markers at the first or last vertex of lines or polygons.


Type: keyword

Possible values: each whole largest

Default Value: each (If a feature contains multiple geometries and the placement type is either point or interior then a marker will be rendered for each.)

A special setting to allow the user to control rendering behavior for ‘multi-geometries’ (when a feature contains multiple geometries). This setting does not apply to markers placed along lines. The ‘each’ policy is default and means all geometries will get a marker. The ‘whole’ policy means that the aggregate centroid between all geometries will be used. The ‘largest’ policy means that only the largest (by bounding box areas) feature will get a rendered marker (this is how text labeling behaves by default).


Type: keyword

Status: deprecated

Possible values: arrow ellipse

Default Value: ellipse (The marker shape is an ellipse.)

The default marker-type. If a SVG file is not given as the marker-file parameter, the renderer provides either an arrow or an ellipse (a circle if height is equal to width).


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (The marker width is 10 pixels.)

The width of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (The marker height is 10 pixels.)

The height of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: color

Default Value: blue (The marker fill color is blue.)

The color of the area of the marker. This property will also set the fill of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow markers to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping markers are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Markers will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless they are rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing markers that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache.)

Value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features.


Type: float

Default Value: 100 (In the case of marker-placement:line then draw a marker every 100 pixels along a line.)

Space between repeated markers in pixels. If the spacing is less than the marker size or larger than the line segment length then no marker will be placed. Any value less than 1 will be ignored and the default will be used instead.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.2 (N/A: not intended to be changed.)

N/A: not intended to be changed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform marker instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform marker geometry with specified function.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Will not be offset.)

Offsets a marker from a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the marker left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: auto auto-down left right left-only right-only up down

Default Value: right (Markers are oriented to the right in the line direction.)

How markers should be placed along lines. With the “auto” setting when marker is upside down the marker is automatically rotated by 180 degrees to keep it upright. The “auto-down” value places marker in the opposite orientation to “auto”. The “left” or “right” settings can be used to force marker to always be placed along a line in a given direction and therefore disables rotating if marker appears upside down. The “left-only” or “right-only” properties also force a given direction but will discard upside down markers rather than trying to flip it. The “up” and “down” settings don’t adjust marker’s orientation to the line direction.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a shield symbolizer rule.


Type: string

Default Value: (No text label will be rendered with the shield.)

Value to use for a shield”s text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name].


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to render behind the shield text. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: string

Default Value: none

Font name and style to use for the shield text.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (text alignment relative to the shield image uses the center of the image as the anchor for text positioning.)

This parameter should be set to true if you are trying to position text beside rather than on top of the shield image.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (Font size of 10 will be used to render text.)

The size of the shield text in pixels.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The shield text will be rendered black.)

The color of the shield text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point (One shield will be placed per geometry.)

How this shield should be placed. Point placement places one shield on top of a point geometry and at the centroid of a polygon or the middle point of a line, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of a polygon.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Shields will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless they are rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing shields that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow shields to overlap with other map elements already placed.)

Control whether overlapping shields are shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No extra margin will be used to determine if a shield collides with any other text, shield, or marker.)

Minimum distance that a shield can be placed from any other text, shield, or marker.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shields with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance between repeated shields. If set this will prevent shields being rendered nearby each other that contain the same text. Similar to shield-min-distance with the difference that it works the same no matter what placement strategy is used.


Type: float

Status: deprecated

Default Value: 0 (Shields with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance to any other collision object. Deprecated: replaced by text-margin.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Only one shield per line will attempt to be placed.)

Distance the renderer should use to try to place repeated shields on a line.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No margin will be used to detect if a shield is nearby a tile boundary.)

Minimum distance a shield will be placed from the edge of a tile. This option is similar to shield-avoid-edges:true except that the extra margin is used to discard cases where the shield+margin are not fully inside the tile.


Type: float

Default Value: shield-spacing/2.0 (If a shield cannot be placed then the renderer will advance by shield-spacing/2.0 to try placement again.)

Allows the shield to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line).


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be wrapped.)

Length of a chunk of text in pixels before wrapping text. If set to zero, text doesn’t wrap.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.)

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached.


Type: string

Default Value: “ ” (Lines will be wrapped conforming to the (untailored) Unicode Line Break Algorithm provided by ICU BreakIterator.)

Must be a single character. If you set it to other than the space character, Mapnik will wrap strictly on that character without involving any additional rules.


Type: color

Default Value: white (The shield halo text will be rendered white.)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo.)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The shield will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate text halo rendering method that sacrifices quality for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation.)

Transform shield halo relative to the actual text with specified function. Allows for shadow or embossed effects. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text halo.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (The default character spacing of the font will be used.)

Horizontal spacing between characters (in pixels). Currently works for point placement only, not line placement.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default font spacing will be used.)

Vertical spacing between lines of multiline labels (in pixels).


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the shield right.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the shield down.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shield will not be displaced.)

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shield will not be displaced.)

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the image used for the shield.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the text placed on top of the shield.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

The shield’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint.


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: middle (TODO.)

The shield’s vertical alignment from its centerpoint.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy (Alternative placements will not be enabled.)

Re-position and/or re-size shield to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using shield-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value: (No alternative placements will be used.)

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is shield-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";.


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize reverse

Default Value: none (No text transformation will be applied.)

Transform the case of the characters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left center right auto

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

Define how text in a shield’s label is justified.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform shield instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify the geometries used for shield placement by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify the geometries used for shield placement by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out the angles of the geometry used for shield placement. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line pattern symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

An image file to be repeated and warped along a line. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications.)

Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The line will not be offset.)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform line geometry with specified function and apply pattern to transformed geometry.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform line pattern instance with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon pattern symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image to use as a repeated pattern fill within a polygon. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: keyword

Possible values: global local

Default Value: global (Patterns will be aligned to the map (or tile boundaries) when being repeated across polygons. This is ideal for seamless patterns in tiled rendering.)

Specify whether to align pattern fills to the layer’s geometry (local) or to the map (global).


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon pattern edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications.)

Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform polygon geometry with specified function and apply pattern to transformed geometry.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform polygon pattern instance with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a raster symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the raster symbolizer on top of other symbolizers.


Type: float

Default Value: -1 (Allow the datasource to choose appropriate downscaling.)

This is used by the Raster or Gdal datasources to pre-downscale images using overviews. Higher numbers can sometimes cause much better scaled image output, at the cost of speed.


Type: keyword

Possible values: near fast bilinear bicubic spline16 spline36 hanning hamming hermite kaiser quadric catrom gaussian bessel mitchell sinc lanczos blackman

Default Value: near (Nearest neighboor resampling will be used to scale the image to the target size of the map.)

The scaling algorithm used to making different resolution versions of this raster layer. Bilinear is a good compromise between speed and accuracy, while lanczos gives the highest quality.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 16 (Reprojection mesh will be 1/16 of the resolution of the source image.)

A reduced resolution mesh is used for raster reprojection, and the total image size is divided by the mesh-size to determine the quality of that mesh. Values for mesh-size larger than the default will result in faster reprojection but might lead to distortion.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: discrete linear exact

Default Value: linear (A linear interpolation is used to generate colors between the two nearest stops.)

This can be either discrete, linear or exact. If it is not specified then the default is linear.


Type: color

Default Value: transparent (Pixels that are not colored by the colorizer stops will be transparent.)

This can be any color. Sets the color that is applied to all values outside of the range of the colorizer-stops. If not supplied pixels will be fully transparent.


Type: float

Default Value: 1.1920928955078125e-07 (Pixels must very closely match the stop filter otherwise they will not be colored.)

This can be any positive floating point value and will be used as a tolerance in floating point comparisions. The higher the value the more likely a stop will match and color data.


Type: tags

Default Value: (No colorization will happen without supplying stops.)

Assigns raster data values to colors. Stops must be listed in ascending order, and contain at a minimum the value and the associated color. You can also include the color-mode as a third argument, like stop(100,#fff,exact).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a point symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (A 4x4 black square will be rendered.)

Image file to represent a point. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow points to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping points are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache.)

Control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A value from 0 to 1 to control the opacity of the point.


Type: keyword

Possible values: centroid interior

Default Value: centroid (The centroid of the geometry will be used to place the point.)

Control how this point should be placed. Centroid calculates the geometric center of a polygon, which can be outside of it, while interior always places inside of a polygon.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform point instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a text symbolizer rule.


Type: string

Default Value: none

Value to use for a text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name].


Type: string

Default Value: none

Font name and style to render a label in.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (Font size of 10 will be used to render text.)

Text size in pixels.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (TODO.)

Define the amount of text (of the total) present on successive lines when wrapping occurs.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be wrapped.)

Length of a chunk of text in pixels before wrapping text. If set to zero, text doesn’t wrap.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.)

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached.


Type: string

Default Value: “ ” (Lines will be wrapped conforming to the (untailored) Unicode Line Break Algorithm provided by ICU BreakIterator.)

Must be a single character. If you set it to other than the space character, Mapnik will wrap strictly on that character without involving any additional rules.


Type: boolean

Status: unstable

Default Value: false (Character will be removed when used to wrap a line.)

Keep the character used to wrap a line instead of removing it, and repeat it on the new line.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Only one label per line will attempt to be placed.)

Distance the renderer should use to try to place repeated text labels on a line.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default character spacing of the font will be used.)

Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters in pixels. This value is ignored when horizontal-alignment is set to adjust. Typographic ligatures are turned off when this value is greater than zero.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default font spacing will be used.)

Vertical spacing adjustment between lines in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: text-spacing/2.0 (If a shield cannot be placed then the renderer will advance by text-spacing/2.0 to try placement again.)

Allows the label to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line).


Type: float

Default Value: 22.5 (The label will not be placed if a character falls on a line with an angle sharper than 22.5 degrees.)

The maximum angle change, in degrees, allowed between adjacent characters in a label. This value internally is converted to radians to the default is 22.5*math.pi/180.0. The higher the value the fewer labels will be placed around around sharp corners.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The text will be rendered black.)

Specifies the color for the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text halo.


Type: color

Default Value: white (The halo will be rendered white.)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo.)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The text will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate text halo rendering method that sacrifices quality for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation.)

Transform text halo relative to the actual text with specified function. Allows for shadow or embossed effects. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. With “dummy” placement-type, a positive value displaces to the right. With “simple” placement-type, it is either left, right or unchanged, depending on the placement selected. Any non-zero value implies “horizontal-alignment” changes to “left” by default. Has no effect with ‘line’ text-placement-type.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. With “dummy” placement-type, a positive value displaces downwards. With “simple” placement-type, it is either up, down or unchanged, depending on the placement selected. With “line” placement-type, a positive value displaces above the path.


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: auto (Default affected by value of dy; “top” for dy>0, “bottom” for dy<0.)

Position of label relative to point position.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Text will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless the same text label is rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing labels that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No extra margin will be used to determine if a label collides with any other text, shield, or marker.)

Minimum distance that a label can be placed from any other text, shield, or marker.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Labels with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance between repeated text. If set this will prevent text labels being rendered nearby each other that contain the same text. Similar to text-min-distance with the difference that it works the same no matter what placement strategy is used.


Type: float

Status: deprecated

Default Value: 0 (Labels with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance to the next label with the same text. Only works for line placement. Deprecated: replaced by text-repeat-distance and text-margin


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No margin will be used to detect if a text label is nearby a tile boundary.)

Minimum distance a text label will be placed from the edge of a tile. This option is similar to shield-avoid-edges:true except that the extra margin is used to discard cases where the shield+margin are not fully inside the tile.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (place labels on all geometries no matter how small they are.)

Place labels only on polygons and lines with a bounding width longer than this value (in pixels).


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow text to overlap with other text - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping text is shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text is not rotated and is displayed upright.)

Rotate the text. (only works with text-placement:point).


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Label center is used for rotation.)

Rotates the displacement around the placement origin by the angle given by “orientation”.


Type: keyword

Possible values: auto auto-down left right left-only right-only

Default Value: auto (Text will be positioned upright automatically.)

How this label should be placed along lines. By default when more than half of a label’s characters are upside down the label is automatically flipped to keep it upright. By changing this parameter you can prevent this “auto-upright” behavior. The “auto-down” value places text in the opposite orientation to “auto”. The “left” or “right” settings can be used to force text to always be placed along a line in a given direction and therefore disables flipping if text appears upside down. The “left-only” or “right-only” properties also force a given direction but will discard upside down text rather than trying to flip it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point (One shield will be placed per geometry.)

How this label should be placed. Point placement places one label on top of a point geometry and at the centroid of a polygon or the middle point of a line, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of a polygon.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy (Alternative placements will not be enabled.)

Re-position and/or re-size text to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using text-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value: (No alternative placements will be used.)

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is text-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";.


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize reverse

Default Value: none (Transform text instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.)

Transform the case of the characters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto adjust

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

The text’s horizontal alignment from it’s centerpoint. If placement is set to line, then adjust can be set to auto-fit the text to the length of the path by dynamically calculating character-spacing.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left right center auto

Default Value: auto (Auto alignment means that text will be centered by default except when using the ``placement-type`` parameter - in that case either right or left justification will be used automatically depending on where the text could be fit given the ``text-placements`` directives.)

Define how text is justified.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify the geometries used for text placement by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify the geometries used for text placement by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out the angles of the geometry used for text placement. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: string

Default Value: (Default set of typographic features recommended by OpenType specification. Ligatures are turned off by default when ``character-spacing`` is greater than zero.)

Comma separated list of OpenType typographic features. The syntax and semantics conforms to font-feature-settings from W3C CSS.


Type: boolean

Status: experimental

Default Value: true (For multipolygons only polygon with largest bbox area is labeled (does not apply to other geometries).)

Controls default labeling behavior on multipolygons. The default is true and means that only the polygon with largest bbox is labeled.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a building symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: The color gray will be used for fill. (Gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128) or rgba(128,128,128,1).)

The color of the buildings fill. Note: 0.8 will be used to multiply each color component to auto-generate a darkened wall color.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the building as a whole, including all walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Buildings will not have a visual height and will instead look like flat polygons.)

The height of the building in pixels.



Type: keyword

Possible values: collision vertex

Default Value: collision (The otherwise invisible collision boxes will be rendered as squares on the map.)

The mode for debug rendering.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a dot symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: gray (The dot fill color is gray.)

The color of the area of the dot.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The opacity of the dot.)

The overall opacity of the dot.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The marker width is 1 pixel.)

The width of the dot in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The marker height is 1 pixels.)

The height of the dot in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current layer on top of other layers.)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.




Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen color-blind-protanope color-blind-deuteranope color-blind-tritanope colorize-alpha color-to-alpha scale-hsla

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters that will be applied to the active rendering canvas for a given style. The presence of one more image-filters will trigger a new canvas to be created before starting to render a style and then this canvas will be composited back into the main canvas after rendering all features and after all image-filters have been applied. See direct-image-filters if you want to apply a filter directly to the main canvas.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (No special handling will be done and image filters that blur data will only blur up to the edge of a tile boundary)

A property that can be set to true to enable using an inflated image internally for seamless blurring across tiles (requires buffered data).


Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen color-blind-protanope color-blind-deuteranope color-blind-tritanope colorize-alpha color-to-alpha scale-hsla

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters to apply to the main canvas (see the image-filters doc for how they work on a separate canvas).


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current layer on top of other layers)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (No separate buffer will be used and no alpha will be applied to the style after rendering.)

An alpha value for the style (which means an alpha applied to all features in separate buffer and then composited back to main buffer).




Type: color

Default Value: none (Will be rendered transparent.)

Map Background color.


Type: uri

Default Value: (No background image will be used.)

An image that is repeated below all features on a map as a background. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (The background-image will be blended with the background normally (placed on top of any existing background-color).)

Set the compositing operation used to blend the image into the background.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image opacity will not be changed when applied to the map background.)

Set the opacity of the image.


Type: string

Default Value: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (The proj4 literal of EPSG:4326 is assumed to be the Map’s spatial reference and all data from layers within this map will be plotted using this coordinate system. If any layers do not declare an srs value then they will be assumed to be in the same srs as the Map and not transformations will be needed to plot them in the Map’s coordinate space.)

Map spatial reference (proj4 string).


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No buffer will be used.)

Extra tolerance around the map (in pixels) used to ensure labels crossing tile boundaries are equally rendered in each tile (e.g. cut in each tile). Not intended to be used in combination with “avoid-edges”.


Type: string

Default Value: -20037508.34,-20037508.34,20037508.34,20037508.34 (All data will be clipped to global mercator extent (default is applied in Carto.js).)

An extent to be used to limit the bounds used to query all layers during rendering. Should be minx, miny, maxx, maxy in the coordinates of the Map.


Type: string

Default Value: (This base path defaults to an empty string meaning that any relative paths to files referenced in styles or layers will be interpreted relative to the application process.)

Any relative paths used to reference files will be understood as relative to this directory path if the map is loaded from an in memory object rather than from the filesystem. If the map is loaded from the filesystem and this option is not provided it will be set to the directory of the stylesheet.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (No map-specific fonts will be registered.)

Path to a directory which holds fonts which should be registered when the Map is loaded (in addition to any fonts that may be automatically registered).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: The color gray will be used for fill. (Gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128) or rgba(128,128,128,1).)

Fill color to assign to a polygon.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the polygon.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon edges.


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA.)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extend outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify geometries by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify geometries by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform polygon geometry with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: black (black and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,1).)

The color of a drawn line.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The line will be rendered 1 pixel wide.)

The width of a line in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of a line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: miter miter-revert round bevel

Default Value: miter (The line joins will be rendered using a miter look.)

The behavior of lines when joining.


Type: keyword

Possible values: butt round square

Default Value: butt (The line endings will be rendered using a butt look.)

The display of line endings.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of stroke line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA.)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (The line will be drawn without dashes.)

A pair of length values [a,b], where (a) is the dash length and (b) is the gap length respectively. More than two values are supported for more complex patterns.


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (The line will be drawn without dashes.)

Valid parameter but not currently used in renderers (only exists for experimental svg support in Mapnik which is not yet enabled).


Type: float

Default Value: 4 (Will auto-convert miters to bevel line joins when theta is less than 29 degrees as per the SVG spec: ‘miterLength / stroke-width = 1 / sin ( theta / 2 )’.)

The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke-width. Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles to avoid the miter extending beyond the thickness of the stroking path. Normally will not need to be set, but a larger value can sometimes help avoid jaggy artifacts.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify geometries by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify geometries by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Status: unstable

Default Value: 0 (Will not be offset.)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The line will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate AGG rendering method that sacrifices some accuracy for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform line geometry with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a marker symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (An ellipse or circle, if width equals height.)

A file that this marker shows at each placement. If no file is given, the marker will show an ellipse. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The stroke-opacity and fill-opacity of the marker.)

The overall opacity of the marker, if set, overrides both the opacity of the fill and the opacity of the stroke.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The fill opacity of the marker. This property will also set the fill-opacity of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The marker will be drawn with a black outline.)

The color of the stroke around the marker. This property will also set the stroke of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.5 (The marker will be drawn with an outline of .5 pixels wide.)

The width of the stroke around the marker, in pixels. This is positioned on the boundary, so high values can cover the area itself. This property will also set the stroke-width of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque. This property will also set the ``stroke-opacity`` of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.)

The opacity of a line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line interior vertex-first vertex-last

Default Value: point (Place markers at the center point (centroid) of the geometry.)

Attempt to place markers on a point, in the center of a polygon, or if markers-placement:line, then multiple times along a line. ‘interior’ placement can be used to ensure that points placed on polygons are forced to be inside the polygon interior. The ‘vertex-first’ and ‘vertex-last’ options can be used to place markers at the first or last vertex of lines or polygons.


Type: keyword

Possible values: each whole largest

Default Value: each (If a feature contains multiple geometries and the placement type is either point or interior then a marker will be rendered for each.)

A special setting to allow the user to control rendering behavior for ‘multi-geometries’ (when a feature contains multiple geometries). This setting does not apply to markers placed along lines. The ‘each’ policy is default and means all geometries will get a marker. The ‘whole’ policy means that the aggregate centroid between all geometries will be used. The ‘largest’ policy means that only the largest (by bounding box areas) feature will get a rendered marker (this is how text labeling behaves by default).


Type: keyword

Status: deprecated

Possible values: arrow ellipse

Default Value: ellipse (The marker shape is an ellipse.)

The default marker-type. If a SVG file is not given as the marker-file parameter, the renderer provides either an arrow or an ellipse (a circle if height is equal to width).


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (The marker width is 10 pixels.)

The width of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (The marker height is 10 pixels.)

The height of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: color

Default Value: blue (The marker fill color is blue.)

The color of the area of the marker. This property will also set the fill of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow markers to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping markers are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Markers will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless they are rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing markers that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache.)

Value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features.


Type: float

Default Value: 100 (In the case of marker-placement:line then draw a marker every 100 pixels along a line.)

Space between repeated markers in pixels. If the spacing is less than the marker size or larger than the line segment length then no marker will be placed. Any value less than 1 will be ignored and the default will be used instead.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.2 (N/A: not intended to be changed.)

N/A: not intended to be changed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform marker instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform marker geometry with specified function.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Will not be offset.)

Offsets a marker from a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the marker left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: auto auto-down left right left-only right-only up down

Default Value: right (Markers are oriented to the right in the line direction.)

How markers should be placed along lines. With the “auto” setting when marker is upside down the marker is automatically rotated by 180 degrees to keep it upright. The “auto-down” value places marker in the opposite orientation to “auto”. The “left” or “right” settings can be used to force marker to always be placed along a line in a given direction and therefore disables rotating if marker appears upside down. The “left-only” or “right-only” properties also force a given direction but will discard upside down markers rather than trying to flip it. The “up” and “down” settings don’t adjust marker’s orientation to the line direction.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a shield symbolizer rule.


Type: string

Default Value: (No text label will be rendered with the shield.)

Value to use for a shield”s text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name].


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to render behind the shield text. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: string

Default Value: none

Font name and style to use for the shield text.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (text alignment relative to the shield image uses the center of the image as the anchor for text positioning.)

This parameter should be set to true if you are trying to position text beside rather than on top of the shield image.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (Font size of 10 will be used to render text.)

The size of the shield text in pixels.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The shield text will be rendered black.)

The color of the shield text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point (One shield will be placed per geometry.)

How this shield should be placed. Point placement places one shield on top of a point geometry and at the centroid of a polygon or the middle point of a line, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of a polygon.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Shields will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless they are rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing shields that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow shields to overlap with other map elements already placed.)

Control whether overlapping shields are shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No extra margin will be used to determine if a shield collides with any other text, shield, or marker.)

Minimum distance that a shield can be placed from any other text, shield, or marker.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shields with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance between repeated shields. If set this will prevent shields being rendered nearby each other that contain the same text. Similar to shield-min-distance with the difference that it works the same no matter what placement strategy is used.


Type: float

Status: deprecated

Default Value: 0 (Shields with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance to any other collision object. Deprecated: replaced by text-margin.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Only one shield per line will attempt to be placed.)

Distance the renderer should use to try to place repeated shields on a line.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No margin will be used to detect if a shield is nearby a tile boundary.)

Minimum distance a shield will be placed from the edge of a tile. This option is similar to shield-avoid-edges:true except that the extra margin is used to discard cases where the shield+margin are not fully inside the tile.


Type: float

Default Value: shield-spacing/2.0 (If a shield cannot be placed then the renderer will advance by shield-spacing/2.0 to try placement again.)

Allows the shield to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line).


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be wrapped.)

Length of a chunk of text in pixels before wrapping text. If set to zero, text doesn’t wrap.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.)

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached.


Type: string

Default Value: “ ” (Lines will be wrapped conforming to the (untailored) Unicode Line Break Algorithm provided by ICU BreakIterator.)

Must be a single character. If you set it to other than the space character, Mapnik will wrap strictly on that character without involving any additional rules.


Type: color

Default Value: white (The shield halo text will be rendered white.)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo.)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The shield will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate text halo rendering method that sacrifices quality for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation.)

Transform shield halo relative to the actual text with specified function. Allows for shadow or embossed effects. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text halo.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (The default character spacing of the font will be used.)

Horizontal spacing between characters (in pixels). Currently works for point placement only, not line placement.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default font spacing will be used.)

Vertical spacing between lines of multiline labels (in pixels).


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the shield right.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the shield down.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shield will not be displaced.)

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shield will not be displaced.)

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the image used for the shield.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the text placed on top of the shield.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

The shield’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint.


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: middle (TODO.)

The shield’s vertical alignment from its centerpoint.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy (Alternative placements will not be enabled.)

Re-position and/or re-size shield to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using shield-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value: (No alternative placements will be used.)

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is shield-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";.


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize reverse

Default Value: none (No text transformation will be applied.)

Transform the case of the characters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left center right auto

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

Define how text in a shield’s label is justified.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform shield instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify the geometries used for shield placement by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify the geometries used for shield placement by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out the angles of the geometry used for shield placement. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line pattern symbolizer rule.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

An image file to be repeated and warped along a line. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications.)

Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The line will not be offset.)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform line geometry with specified function and apply pattern to transformed geometry.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform line pattern instance with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon pattern symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image to use as a repeated pattern fill within a polygon. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: keyword

Possible values: global local

Default Value: global (Patterns will be aligned to the map (or tile boundaries) when being repeated across polygons. This is ideal for seamless patterns in tiled rendering.)

Specify whether to align pattern fills to the layer’s geometry (local) or to the map (global).


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon pattern edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications.)

Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform polygon geometry with specified function and apply pattern to transformed geometry.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform polygon pattern instance with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a raster symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the raster symbolizer on top of other symbolizers.


Type: float

Default Value: -1 (Allow the datasource to choose appropriate downscaling.)

This is used by the Raster or Gdal datasources to pre-downscale images using overviews. Higher numbers can sometimes cause much better scaled image output, at the cost of speed.


Type: keyword

Possible values: near fast bilinear bicubic spline16 spline36 hanning hamming hermite kaiser quadric catrom gaussian bessel mitchell sinc lanczos blackman

Default Value: near (Nearest neighboor resampling will be used to scale the image to the target size of the map.)

The scaling algorithm used to making different resolution versions of this raster layer. Bilinear is a good compromise between speed and accuracy, while lanczos gives the highest quality.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 16 (Reprojection mesh will be 1/16 of the resolution of the source image.)

A reduced resolution mesh is used for raster reprojection, and the total image size is divided by the mesh-size to determine the quality of that mesh. Values for mesh-size larger than the default will result in faster reprojection but might lead to distortion.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: discrete linear exact

Default Value: linear (A linear interpolation is used to generate colors between the two nearest stops.)

This can be either discrete, linear or exact. If it is not specified then the default is linear.


Type: color

Default Value: transparent (Pixels that are not colored by the colorizer stops will be transparent.)

This can be any color. Sets the color that is applied to all values outside of the range of the colorizer-stops. If not supplied pixels will be fully transparent.


Type: float

Default Value: 1.1920928955078125e-07 (Pixels must very closely match the stop filter otherwise they will not be colored.)

This can be any positive floating point value and will be used as a tolerance in floating point comparisions. The higher the value the more likely a stop will match and color data.


Type: tags

Default Value: (No colorization will happen without supplying stops.)

Assigns raster data values to colors. Stops must be listed in ascending order, and contain at a minimum the value and the associated color. You can also include the color-mode as a third argument, like stop(100,#fff,exact).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a point symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (A 4x4 black square will be rendered.)

Image file to represent a point. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow points to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping points are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache.)

Control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A value from 0 to 1 to control the opacity of the point.


Type: keyword

Possible values: centroid interior

Default Value: centroid (The centroid of the geometry will be used to place the point.)

Control how this point should be placed. Centroid calculates the geometric center of a polygon, which can be outside of it, while interior always places inside of a polygon.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform point instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a text symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: string

Default Value: none

Value to use for a text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name].


Type: string

Default Value: none

Font name and style to render a label in.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (Font size of 10 will be used to render text.)

Text size in pixels.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (TODO.)

Define the amount of text (of the total) present on successive lines when wrapping occurs.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be wrapped.)

Length of a chunk of text in pixels before wrapping text. If set to zero, text doesn’t wrap.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.)

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached.


Type: string

Default Value: “ ” (Lines will be wrapped conforming to the (untailored) Unicode Line Break Algorithm provided by ICU BreakIterator.)

Must be a single character. If you set it to other than the space character, Mapnik will wrap strictly on that character without involving any additional rules.


Type: boolean

Status: unstable

Default Value: false (Character will be removed when used to wrap a line.)

Keep the character used to wrap a line instead of removing it, and repeat it on the new line.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Only one label per line will attempt to be placed.)

Distance the renderer should use to try to place repeated text labels on a line.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default character spacing of the font will be used.)

Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters in pixels. This value is ignored when horizontal-alignment is set to adjust. Typographic ligatures are turned off when this value is greater than zero.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default font spacing will be used.)

Vertical spacing adjustment between lines in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: text-spacing/2.0 (If a shield cannot be placed then the renderer will advance by text-spacing/2.0 to try placement again.)

Allows the label to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line).


Type: float

Default Value: 22.5 (The label will not be placed if a character falls on a line with an angle sharper than 22.5 degrees.)

The maximum angle change, in degrees, allowed between adjacent characters in a label. This value internally is converted to radians to the default is 22.5*math.pi/180.0. The higher the value the fewer labels will be placed around around sharp corners.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The text will be rendered black.)

Specifies the color for the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text halo.


Type: color

Default Value: white (The halo will be rendered white.)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo.)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The text will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate text halo rendering method that sacrifices quality for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation.)

Transform text halo relative to the actual text with specified function. Allows for shadow or embossed effects. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. With “dummy” placement-type, a positive value displaces to the right. With “simple” placement-type, it is either left, right or unchanged, depending on the placement selected. Any non-zero value implies “horizontal-alignment” changes to “left” by default. Has no effect with ‘line’ text-placement-type.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. With “dummy” placement-type, a positive value displaces downwards. With “simple” placement-type, it is either up, down or unchanged, depending on the placement selected. With “line” placement-type, a positive value displaces above the path.


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: auto (Default affected by value of dy; “top” for dy>0, “bottom” for dy<0.)

Position of label relative to point position.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Text will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless the same text label is rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing labels that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No extra margin will be used to determine if a label collides with any other text, shield, or marker.)

Minimum distance that a label can be placed from any other text, shield, or marker.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Labels with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance between repeated text. If set this will prevent text labels being rendered nearby each other that contain the same text. Similar to text-min-distance with the difference that it works the same no matter what placement strategy is used.


Type: float

Status: deprecated

Default Value: 0 (Labels with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance to the next label with the same text. Only works for line placement. Deprecated: replaced by text-repeat-distance and text-margin


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No margin will be used to detect if a text label is nearby a tile boundary.)

Minimum distance a text label will be placed from the edge of a tile. This option is similar to shield-avoid-edges:true except that the extra margin is used to discard cases where the shield+margin are not fully inside the tile.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (place labels on all geometries no matter how small they are.)

Place labels only on polygons and lines with a bounding width longer than this value (in pixels).


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow text to overlap with other text - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping text is shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text is not rotated and is displayed upright.)

Rotate the text. (only works with text-placement:point).


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Label center is used for rotation.)

Rotates the displacement around the placement origin by the angle given by “orientation”.


Type: keyword

Possible values: auto auto-down left right left-only right-only

Default Value: auto (Text will be positioned upright automatically.)

How this label should be placed along lines. By default when more than half of a label’s characters are upside down the label is automatically flipped to keep it upright. By changing this parameter you can prevent this “auto-upright” behavior. The “auto-down” value places text in the opposite orientation to “auto”. The “left” or “right” settings can be used to force text to always be placed along a line in a given direction and therefore disables flipping if text appears upside down. The “left-only” or “right-only” properties also force a given direction but will discard upside down text rather than trying to flip it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point (One shield will be placed per geometry.)

How this label should be placed. Point placement places one label on top of a point geometry and at the centroid of a polygon or the middle point of a line, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of a polygon.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy (Alternative placements will not be enabled.)

Re-position and/or re-size text to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using text-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value: (No alternative placements will be used.)

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is text-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";.


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize reverse

Default Value: none (Transform text instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.)

Transform the case of the characters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto adjust

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

The text’s horizontal alignment from it’s centerpoint. If placement is set to line, then adjust can be set to auto-fit the text to the length of the path by dynamically calculating character-spacing.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left right center auto

Default Value: auto (Auto alignment means that text will be centered by default except when using the ``placement-type`` parameter - in that case either right or left justification will be used automatically depending on where the text could be fit given the ``text-placements`` directives.)

Define how text is justified.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify the geometries used for text placement by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify the geometries used for text placement by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out the angles of the geometry used for text placement. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: string

Default Value: (Default set of typographic features recommended by OpenType specification. Ligatures are turned off by default when ``character-spacing`` is greater than zero.)

Comma separated list of OpenType typographic features. The syntax and semantics conforms to font-feature-settings from W3C CSS.


Type: boolean

Status: experimental

Default Value: true (For multipolygons only polygon with largest bbox area is labeled (does not apply to other geometries).)

Controls default labeling behavior on multipolygons. The default is true and means that only the polygon with largest bbox is labeled.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a building symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: The color gray will be used for fill. (Gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128) or rgba(128,128,128,1).)

The color of the buildings fill. Note: 0.8 will be used to multiply each color component to auto-generate a darkened wall color.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the building as a whole, including all walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Buildings will not have a visual height and will instead look like flat polygons.)

The height of the building in pixels.



Type: keyword

Possible values: collision vertex

Default Value: collision (The otherwise invisible collision boxes will be rendered as squares on the map.)

The mode for debug rendering.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a dot symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: gray (The dot fill color is gray.)

The color of the area of the dot.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The opacity of the dot.)

The overall opacity of the dot.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The marker width is 1 pixel.)

The width of the dot in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The marker height is 1 pixels.)

The height of the dot in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current layer on top of other layers.)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.




Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen colorize-alpha color-to-alpha scale-hsla

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters that will be applied to the active rendering canvas for a given style. The presence of one more image-filters will trigger a new canvas to be created before starting to render a style and then this canvas will be composited back into the main canvas after rendering all features and after all image-filters have been applied. See direct-image-filters if you want to apply a filter directly to the main canvas.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (No special handling will be done and image filters that blur data will only blur up to the edge of a tile boundary)

A property that can be set to true to enable using an inflated image internally for seamless blurring across tiles (requires buffered data).


Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen colorize-alpha color-to-alpha scale-hsla

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters to apply to the main canvas (see the image-filters doc for how they work on a separate canvas).


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current layer on top of other layers)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (No separate buffer will be used and no alpha will be applied to the style after rendering.)

An alpha value for the style (which means an alpha applied to all features in separate buffer and then composited back to main buffer).




Type: color

Default Value: none (Will be rendered transparent.)

Map Background color.


Type: uri

Default Value: (No background image will be used.)

An image that is repeated below all features on a map as a background. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (The background-image will be blended with the background normally (placed on top of any existing background-color).)

Set the compositing operation used to blend the image into the background.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image opacity will not be changed when applied to the map background.)

Set the opacity of the image.


Type: string

Default Value: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (The proj4 literal of EPSG:4326 is assumed to be the Map’s spatial reference and all data from layers within this map will be plotted using this coordinate system. If any layers do not declare an srs value then they will be assumed to be in the same srs as the Map and not transformations will be needed to plot them in the Map’s coordinate space.)

Map spatial reference (proj4 string).


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No buffer will be used.)

Extra tolerance around the map (in pixels) used to ensure labels crossing tile boundaries are equally rendered in each tile (e.g. cut in each tile). Not intended to be used in combination with “avoid-edges”.


Type: string

Default Value: -20037508.34,-20037508.34,20037508.34,20037508.34 (All data will be clipped to global mercator extent (default is applied in Carto.js).)

An extent to be used to limit the bounds used to query all layers during rendering. Should be minx, miny, maxx, maxy in the coordinates of the Map.


Type: string

Default Value: (This base path defaults to an empty string meaning that any relative paths to files referenced in styles or layers will be interpreted relative to the application process.)

Any relative paths used to reference files will be understood as relative to this directory path if the map is loaded from an in memory object rather than from the filesystem. If the map is loaded from the filesystem and this option is not provided it will be set to the directory of the stylesheet.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (No map-specific fonts will be registered.)

Path to a directory which holds fonts which should be registered when the Map is loaded (in addition to any fonts that may be automatically registered).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: The color gray will be used for fill. (Gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128) or rgba(128,128,128,1).)

Fill color to assign to a polygon.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the polygon.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon edges.


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA.)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extend outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify geometries by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify geometries by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform polygon geometry with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: black (black and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,1).)

The color of a drawn line.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The line will be rendered 1 pixel wide.)

The width of a line in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of a line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: miter miter-revert round bevel

Default Value: miter (The line joins will be rendered using a miter look.)

The behavior of lines when joining.


Type: keyword

Possible values: butt round square

Default Value: butt (The line endings will be rendered using a butt look.)

The display of line endings.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of stroke line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA.)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (The line will be drawn without dashes.)

A pair of length values [a,b], where (a) is the dash length and (b) is the gap length respectively. More than two values are supported for more complex patterns.


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (The line will be drawn without dashes.)

Valid parameter but not currently used in renderers (only exists for experimental svg support in Mapnik which is not yet enabled).


Type: float

Default Value: 4 (Will auto-convert miters to bevel line joins when theta is less than 29 degrees as per the SVG spec: ‘miterLength / stroke-width = 1 / sin ( theta / 2 )’.)

The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke-width. Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles to avoid the miter extending beyond the thickness of the stroking path. Normally will not need to be set, but a larger value can sometimes help avoid jaggy artifacts.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify geometries by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify geometries by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Status: unstable

Default Value: 0 (Will not be offset.)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The line will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate AGG rendering method that sacrifices some accuracy for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform line geometry with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a marker symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (An ellipse or circle, if width equals height.)

A file that this marker shows at each placement. If no file is given, the marker will show an ellipse. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The stroke-opacity and fill-opacity of the marker.)

The overall opacity of the marker, if set, overrides both the opacity of the fill and the opacity of the stroke.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The fill opacity of the marker. This property will also set the fill-opacity of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The marker will be drawn with a black outline.)

The color of the stroke around the marker. This property will also set the stroke of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.5 (The marker will be drawn with an outline of .5 pixels wide.)

The width of the stroke around the marker, in pixels. This is positioned on the boundary, so high values can cover the area itself. This property will also set the stroke-width of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque. This property will also set the ``stroke-opacity`` of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.)

The opacity of a line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line interior vertex-first vertex-last

Default Value: point (Place markers at the center point (centroid) of the geometry.)

Attempt to place markers on a point, in the center of a polygon, or if markers-placement:line, then multiple times along a line. ‘interior’ placement can be used to ensure that points placed on polygons are forced to be inside the polygon interior. The ‘vertex-first’ and ‘vertex-last’ options can be used to place markers at the first or last vertex of lines or polygons.


Type: keyword

Possible values: each whole largest

Default Value: each (If a feature contains multiple geometries and the placement type is either point or interior then a marker will be rendered for each.)

A special setting to allow the user to control rendering behavior for ‘multi-geometries’ (when a feature contains multiple geometries). This setting does not apply to markers placed along lines. The ‘each’ policy is default and means all geometries will get a marker. The ‘whole’ policy means that the aggregate centroid between all geometries will be used. The ‘largest’ policy means that only the largest (by bounding box areas) feature will get a rendered marker (this is how text labeling behaves by default).


Type: keyword

Status: deprecated

Possible values: arrow ellipse

Default Value: ellipse (The marker shape is an ellipse.)

The default marker-type. If a SVG file is not given as the marker-file parameter, the renderer provides either an arrow or an ellipse (a circle if height is equal to width).


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (The marker width is 10 pixels.)

The width of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (The marker height is 10 pixels.)

The height of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: color

Default Value: blue (The marker fill color is blue.)

The color of the area of the marker. This property will also set the fill of elements in an SVG loaded from a file.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow markers to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping markers are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Markers will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless they are rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing markers that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache.)

Value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features.


Type: float

Default Value: 100 (In the case of marker-placement:line then draw a marker every 100 pixels along a line.)

Space between repeated markers in pixels. If the spacing is less than the marker size or larger than the line segment length then no marker will be placed. Any value less than 1 will be ignored and the default will be used instead.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.2 (N/A: not intended to be changed.)

N/A: not intended to be changed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform marker instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform marker geometry with specified function.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Will not be offset.)

Offsets a marker from a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the marker left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: auto auto-down left right left-only right-only up down

Default Value: right (Markers are oriented to the right in the line direction.)

How markers should be placed along lines. With the “auto” setting when marker is upside down the marker is automatically rotated by 180 degrees to keep it upright. The “auto-down” value places marker in the opposite orientation to “auto”. The “left” or “right” settings can be used to force marker to always be placed along a line in a given direction and therefore disables rotating if marker appears upside down. The “left-only” or “right-only” properties also force a given direction but will discard upside down markers rather than trying to flip it. The “up” and “down” settings don’t adjust marker’s orientation to the line direction.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a shield symbolizer.


Type: string

Default Value: (No text label will be rendered with the shield.)

Value to use for a shield”s text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name].


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to render behind the shield text. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: string

Default Value: none

Font name and style to use for the shield text.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (text alignment relative to the shield image uses the center of the image as the anchor for text positioning.)

This parameter should be set to true if you are trying to position text beside rather than on top of the shield image.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (Font size of 10 will be used to render text.)

The size of the shield text in pixels.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The shield text will be rendered black.)

The color of the shield text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point (One shield will be placed per geometry.)

How this shield should be placed. Point placement places one shield on top of a point geometry and at the centroid of a polygon or the middle point of a line, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of a polygon.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Shields will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless they are rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing shields that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow shields to overlap with other map elements already placed.)

Control whether overlapping shields are shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No extra margin will be used to determine if a shield collides with any other text, shield, or marker.)

Minimum distance that a shield can be placed from any other text, shield, or marker.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shields with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance between repeated shields. If set this will prevent shields being rendered nearby each other that contain the same text. Similar to shield-min-distance with the difference that it works the same no matter what placement strategy is used.


Type: float

Status: deprecated

Default Value: 0 (Shields with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance to any other collision object. Deprecated: replaced by text-margin.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Only one shield per line will attempt to be placed.)

Distance the renderer should use to try to place repeated shields on a line.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No margin will be used to detect if a shield is nearby a tile boundary.)

Minimum distance a shield will be placed from the edge of a tile. This option is similar to shield-avoid-edges:true except that the extra margin is used to discard cases where the shield+margin are not fully inside the tile.


Type: float

Default Value: shield-spacing/2.0 (If a shield cannot be placed then the renderer will advance by shield-spacing/2.0 to try placement again.)

Allows the shield to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line).


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be wrapped.)

Length of a chunk of text in pixels before wrapping text. If set to zero, text doesn’t wrap.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.)

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached.


Type: string

Default Value: “ ” (Lines will be wrapped conforming to the (untailored) Unicode Line Break Algorithm provided by ICU BreakIterator.)

Must be a single character. If you set it to other than the space character, Mapnik will wrap strictly on that character without involving any additional rules.


Type: color

Default Value: white (The shield halo text will be rendered white.)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo.)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The shield will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate text halo rendering method that sacrifices quality for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation.)

Transform shield halo relative to the actual text with specified function. Allows for shadow or embossed effects. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text halo.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (The default character spacing of the font will be used.)

Horizontal spacing between characters (in pixels). Currently works for point placement only, not line placement.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default font spacing will be used.)

Vertical spacing between lines of multiline labels (in pixels).


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the shield right.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the shield down.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shield will not be displaced.)

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Shield will not be displaced.)

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the image used for the shield.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the text placed on top of the shield.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

The shield’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint.


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: middle (TODO.)

The shield’s vertical alignment from its centerpoint.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy (Alternative placements will not be enabled.)

Re-position and/or re-size shield to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using shield-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value: (No alternative placements will be used.)

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is shield-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";.


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize reverse

Default Value: none (No text transformation will be applied.)

Transform the case of the characters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left center right auto

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

Define how text in a shield’s label is justified.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform shield instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify the geometries used for shield placement by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify the geometries used for shield placement by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out the angles of the geometry used for shield placement. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line pattern symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

An image file to be repeated and warped along a line. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications.)

Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The line will not be offset.)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform line geometry with specified function and apply pattern to transformed geometry.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform line pattern instance with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon pattern symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image to use as a repeated pattern fill within a polygon. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: keyword

Possible values: global local

Default Value: global (Patterns will be aligned to the map (or tile boundaries) when being repeated across polygons. This is ideal for seamless patterns in tiled rendering.)

Specify whether to align pattern fills to the layer’s geometry (local) or to the map (global).


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully antialiased.) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon pattern edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications.)

Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (The geometry will not be transformed.)

Transform polygon geometry with specified function and apply pattern to transformed geometry.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform polygon pattern instance with specified function.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a raster symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the raster symbolizer on top of other symbolizers.


Type: float

Default Value: -1 (Allow the datasource to choose appropriate downscaling.)

This is used by the Raster or Gdal datasources to pre-downscale images using overviews. Higher numbers can sometimes cause much better scaled image output, at the cost of speed.


Type: keyword

Possible values: near fast bilinear bicubic spline16 spline36 hanning hamming hermite kaiser quadric catrom gaussian bessel mitchell sinc lanczos blackman

Default Value: near (Nearest neighboor resampling will be used to scale the image to the target size of the map.)

The scaling algorithm used to making different resolution versions of this raster layer. Bilinear is a good compromise between speed and accuracy, while lanczos gives the highest quality.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 16 (Reprojection mesh will be 1/16 of the resolution of the source image.)

A reduced resolution mesh is used for raster reprojection, and the total image size is divided by the mesh-size to determine the quality of that mesh. Values for mesh-size larger than the default will result in faster reprojection but might lead to distortion.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: discrete linear exact

Default Value: linear (A linear interpolation is used to generate colors between the two nearest stops.)

This can be either discrete, linear or exact. If it is not specified then the default is linear.


Type: color

Default Value: transparent (Pixels that are not colored by the colorizer stops will be transparent.)

This can be any color. Sets the color that is applied to all values outside of the range of the colorizer-stops. If not supplied pixels will be fully transparent.


Type: float

Default Value: 1.1920928955078125e-07 (Pixels must very closely match the stop filter otherwise they will not be colored.)

This can be any positive floating point value and will be used as a tolerance in floating point comparisions. The higher the value the more likely a stop will match and color data.


Type: tags

Default Value: (No colorization will happen without supplying stops.)

Assigns raster data values to colors. Stops must be listed in ascending order, and contain at a minimum the value and the associated color. You can also include the color-mode as a third argument, like stop(100,#fff,exact).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a point symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (A 4x4 black square will be rendered.)

Image file to represent a point. Accepted formats: svg, jpg, png, tiff, and webp.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow points to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping points are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache.)

Control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A value from 0 to 1 to control the opacity of the point.


Type: keyword

Possible values: centroid interior

Default Value: centroid (The centroid of the geometry will be used to place the point.)

Control how this point should be placed. Centroid calculates the geometric center of a polygon, which can be outside of it, while interior always places inside of a polygon.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation.)

Transform point instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a text symbolizer rule.


Type: string

Default Value: none

Value to use for a text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name].


Type: string

Default Value: none

Font name and style to render a label in.


Type: float

Default Value: 10 (Font size of 10 will be used to render text.)

Text size in pixels.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (TODO.)

Define the amount of text (of the total) present on successive lines when wrapping occurs.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be wrapped.)

Length of a chunk of text in pixels before wrapping text. If set to zero, text doesn’t wrap.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.)

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached.


Type: string

Default Value: “ ” (Lines will be wrapped conforming to the (untailored) Unicode Line Break Algorithm provided by ICU BreakIterator.)

Must be a single character. If you set it to other than the space character, Mapnik will wrap strictly on that character without involving any additional rules.


Type: boolean

Status: unstable

Default Value: false (Character will be removed when used to wrap a line.)

Keep the character used to wrap a line instead of removing it, and repeat it on the new line.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0 (Only one label per line will attempt to be placed.)

Distance the renderer should use to try to place repeated text labels on a line.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default character spacing of the font will be used.)

Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters in pixels. This value is ignored when horizontal-alignment is set to adjust. Typographic ligatures are turned off when this value is greater than zero.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (The default font spacing will be used.)

Vertical spacing adjustment between lines in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: text-spacing/2.0 (If a shield cannot be placed then the renderer will advance by text-spacing/2.0 to try placement again.)

Allows the label to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line).


Type: float

Default Value: 22.5 (The label will not be placed if a character falls on a line with an angle sharper than 22.5 degrees.)

The maximum angle change, in degrees, allowed between adjacent characters in a label. This value internally is converted to radians to the default is 22.5*math.pi/180.0. The higher the value the fewer labels will be placed around around sharp corners.


Type: color

Default Value: black (The text will be rendered black.)

Specifies the color for the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque.)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text halo.


Type: color

Default Value: white (The halo will be rendered white.)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo.)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full (The text will be rendered using the highest quality method rather than the fastest.)

Exposes an alternate text halo rendering method that sacrifices quality for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation.)

Transform text halo relative to the actual text with specified function. Allows for shadow or embossed effects. Ignores map scale factor.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. With “dummy” placement-type, a positive value displaces to the right. With “simple” placement-type, it is either left, right or unchanged, depending on the placement selected. Any non-zero value implies “horizontal-alignment” changes to “left” by default. Has no effect with ‘line’ text-placement-type.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text will not be displaced.)

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. With “dummy” placement-type, a positive value displaces downwards. With “simple” placement-type, it is either up, down or unchanged, depending on the placement selected. With “line” placement-type, a positive value displaces above the path.


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: auto (Default affected by value of dy; “top” for dy>0, “bottom” for dy<0.)

Position of label relative to point position.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Text will be potentially placed near tile edges and therefore may look cut off unless the same text label is rendered on each adjacent tile.)

Avoid placing labels that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No extra margin will be used to determine if a label collides with any other text, shield, or marker.)

Minimum distance that a label can be placed from any other text, shield, or marker.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Labels with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance between repeated text. If set this will prevent text labels being rendered nearby each other that contain the same text. Similar to text-min-distance with the difference that it works the same no matter what placement strategy is used.


Type: float

Status: deprecated

Default Value: 0 (Labels with the same text will be rendered without restriction.)

Minimum distance to the next label with the same text. Only works for line placement. Deprecated: replaced by text-repeat-distance and text-margin


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No margin will be used to detect if a text label is nearby a tile boundary.)

Minimum distance a text label will be placed from the edge of a tile. This option is similar to shield-avoid-edges:true except that the extra margin is used to discard cases where the shield+margin are not fully inside the tile.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (place labels on all geometries no matter how small they are.)

Place labels only on polygons and lines with a bounding width longer than this value (in pixels).


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow text to overlap with other text - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping text is shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Text is not rotated and is displayed upright.)

Rotate the text. (only works with text-placement:point).


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Label center is used for rotation.)

Rotates the displacement around the placement origin by the angle given by “orientation”.


Type: keyword

Possible values: auto auto-down left right left-only right-only

Default Value: auto (Text will be positioned upright automatically.)

How this label should be placed along lines. By default when more than half of a label’s characters are upside down the label is automatically flipped to keep it upright. By changing this parameter you can prevent this “auto-upright” behavior. The “auto-down” value places text in the opposite orientation to “auto”. The “left” or “right” settings can be used to force text to always be placed along a line in a given direction and therefore disables flipping if text appears upside down. The “left-only” or “right-only” properties also force a given direction but will discard upside down text rather than trying to flip it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point (One shield will be placed per geometry.)

How this label should be placed. Point placement places one label on top of a point geometry and at the centroid of a polygon or the middle point of a line, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of a polygon.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy (Alternative placements will not be enabled.)

Re-position and/or re-size text to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using text-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value: (No alternative placements will be used.)

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is text-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";.


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize reverse

Default Value: none (Transform text instance with specified function. Ignores map scale factor.)

Transform the case of the characters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto adjust

Default Value: auto (TODO.)

The text’s horizontal alignment from it’s centerpoint. If placement is set to line, then adjust can be set to auto-fit the text to the length of the path by dynamically calculating character-spacing.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left right center auto

Default Value: auto (Auto alignment means that text will be centered by default except when using the ``placement-type`` parameter - in that case either right or left justification will be used automatically depending on where the text could be fit given the ``text-placements`` directives.)

Define how text is justified.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (The geometry will not be clipped to map bounds before rendering.)

Turning on clipping can help performance in the case that the boundaries of the geometry extent outside of tile extents. But clipping can result in undesirable rendering artifacts in rare cases.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified.)

Simplify the geometries used for text placement by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt douglas-peucker

Default Value: radial-distance (The geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm.)

Simplify the geometries used for text placement by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No smoothing.) Range: 0-1 Smooths out the angles of the geometry used for text placement. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer.)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: string

Default Value: (Default set of typographic features recommended by OpenType specification. Ligatures are turned off by default when ``character-spacing`` is greater than zero.)

Comma separated list of OpenType typographic features. The syntax and semantics conforms to font-feature-settings from W3C CSS.


Type: boolean

Status: experimental

Default Value: true (For multipolygons only polygon with largest bbox area is labeled (does not apply to other geometries).)

Controls default labeling behavior on multipolygons. The default is true and means that only the polygon with largest bbox is labeled.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a building symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: The color gray will be used for fill. (Gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128) or rgba(128,128,128,1).)

The color of the buildings fill. Note: 0.8 will be used to multiply each color component to auto-generate a darkened wall color.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Color is fully opaque.)

The opacity of the building as a whole, including all walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (Buildings will not have a visual height and will instead look like flat polygons.)

The height of the building in pixels.



Type: keyword

Possible values: collision vertex

Default Value: collision (The otherwise invisible collision boxes will be rendered as squares on the map.)

The mode for debug rendering.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a dot symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: gray (The dot fill color is gray.)

The color of the area of the dot.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The opacity of the dot.)

The overall opacity of the dot.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The marker width is 1 pixel.)

The width of the dot in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The marker height is 1 pixels.)

The height of the dot in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply divide screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn linear-dodge linear-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (Add the current layer on top of other layers.)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.




Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen colorize-alpha color-to-alpha scale-hsla

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters that will be applied to the active rendering canvas for a given style. The presence of one more more image-filters will trigger a new canvas to be created before starting to render a style and then this canvas will be composited back into the main canvas after rendering all features and after all image-filters have been applied. See direct-image-filters if you want to apply a filter directly to the main canvas.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (No special handling will be done and image filters that blur data will only blur up to the edge of a tile boundary)

A property that can be set to true to enable using an inflated image internally for seamless blurring across tiles (requires buffered data).


Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen colorize-alpha color-to-alpha scale-hsla

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters to apply to the main canvas (see the image-filters doc for how they work on a separate canvas).


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current layer on top of other layers)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (no separate buffer will be used and no alpha will be applied to the style after rendering)

An alpha value for the style (which means an alpha applied to all features in separate buffer and then composited back to main buffer).




Type: color

Default Value: none (transparent)

Map Background color.


Type: uri

Default Value: (transparent)

An image that is repeated below all features on a map as a background. Accepted formats: JPG, PNG.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (The background-image will be blended with the background normally (placed on top of any existing background-color))

Set the compositing operation used to blend the image into the background.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image opacity will not be changed when applied to the map background)

Set the opacity of the image.


Type: string

Default Value: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (The proj4 literal of EPSG:4326 is assumed to be the Map’s spatial reference and all data from layers within this map will be plotted using this coordinate system. If any layers do not declare an srs value then they will be assumed to be in the same srs as the Map and not transformations will be needed to plot them in the Map’s coordinate space)

Map spatial reference (proj4 string).


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No buffer will be used)

Extra tolerance around the map (in pixels) used to ensure labels crossing tile boundaries are equally rendered in each tile (e.g. cut in each tile). Not intended to be used in combination with “avoid-edges”.


Type: string

Default Value: (This base path defaults to an empty string meaning that any relative paths to files referenced in styles or layers will be interpreted relative to the application process.)

Any relative paths used to reference files will be understood as relative to this directory path if the map is loaded from an in memory object rather than from the filesystem. If the map is loaded from the filesystem and this option is not provided it will be set to the directory of the stylesheet.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (No map-specific fonts will be registered)

Path to a directory which holds fonts which should be registered when the Map is loaded (in addition to any fonts that may be automatically registered).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: rgba(128,128,128,1) (gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128))

Fill color to assign to a polygon.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the polygon.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon edges.


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

Geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified)

Simplify geometries by the given tolerance.


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt

Default Value: radial-distance (geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm)

Simplify gemoetries by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: rgba(0,0,0,1) (black and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(0,0,0))

The color of a drawn line.


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The width of a line in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: miter round bevel

Default Value: miter

The behavior of lines when joining.


Type: keyword

Possible values: butt round square

Default Value: butt

The display of line endings.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of stroke line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

A pair of length values [a,b], where (a) is the dash length and (b) is the gap length respectively. More than two values are supported for more complex patterns.


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

Valid parameter but not currently used in renderers (only exists for experimental svg support in Mapnik which is not yet enabled).


Type: float

Default Value: 4 (Will auto-convert miters to bevel line joins when theta is less than 29 degrees as per the SVG spec: ‘miterLength / stroke-width = 1 / sin ( theta / 2 )’)

The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke-width. Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles to avoid the miter extending beyond the thickness of the stroking path. Normally will not need to be set, but a larger value can sometimes help avoid jaggy artifacts.


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

Geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified)

Simplify gemoetries by the given tolerance


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt

Default Value: radial-distance (geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm)

Simplify gemoetries by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no offset)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full

Exposes an alternate AGG rendering method that sacrifices some accuracy for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a marker symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (An ellipse or circle, if width equals height.)

A file that this marker shows at each placement. If no file is given, the marker will show an ellipse. Accepted formats: SVG, JPG, PNG.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The stroke-opacity and fill-opacity of the marker.)

The overall opacity of the marker, if set, overrides both the opacity of the fill and the opacity of the stroke.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The fill opacity of the marker.


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the stroke around the marker.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.5

The width of the stroke around the marker, in pixels. This is positioned on the boundary, so high values can cover the area itself.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the line.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line interior

Default Value: point (Place markers at the center point (centroid) of the geometry)

Attempt to place markers on a point, in the center of a polygon, or if markers-placement:line, then multiple times along a line. ‘interior’ placement can be used to ensure that points placed on polygons are forced to be inside the polygon interior.


Type: keyword

Possible values: each whole largest

Default Value: each (If a feature contains multiple geometries and the placement type is either point or interior then a marker will be rendered for each)

A special setting to allow the user to control rendering behavior for ‘multi-geometries’ (when a feature contains multiple geometries). This setting does not apply to markers placed along lines. The ‘each’ policy is default and means all geometries will get a marker. The ‘whole’ policy means that the aggregate centroid between all geometries will be used. The ‘largest’ policy means that only the largest (by bounding box areas) feature will get a rendered marker (this is how text labeling behaves by default).


Type: keyword

Possible values: arrow ellipse

Default Value: ellipse

The default marker-type. If a SVG file is not given as the marker-file parameter, the renderer provides either an arrow or an ellipse (a circle if height is equal to width).


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The width of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The height of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: color

Default Value: blue

The color of the area of the marker.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow makers to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping markers are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

Value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features.


Type: float

Default Value: 100

Space between repeated markers in pixels. If the spacing is less than the marker size or larger than the line segment length then no marker will be placed.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.2

The maximum difference between actual marker placement and the marker-spacing parameter. Setting a high value can allow the renderer to try to resolve placement conflicts with other symbolizers.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition.


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a shield symbolizer.


Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a shield”s text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name].


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to render behind the shield text. Accepted formats: SVG, JPG, PNG.


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to use for the shield text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (text alignment relative to the shield image uses the center of the image as the anchor for text positioning.)

This parameter should be set to true if you are trying to position text beside rather than on top of the shield image


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The size of the shield text in pixels.


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the shield text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

How this shield should be placed. Point placement attempts to place it on top of points, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of polygons.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Avoid placing shields that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow shields to overlap with other map elements already placed.)

Control whether overlapping shields are shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum distance to the next shield symbol, not necessarily the same shield.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The spacing between repeated occurrences of the same shield on a line.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum distance a shield will be placed from the edge of a metatile. This option is similar to shield-avoid-edges:true except that the extra margin is used to discard cases where the shield+margin are not fully inside the metatile.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Length of a chunk of text in pixels before wrapping text. If set to zero, text doesn’t wrap.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached. If false, wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.


Type: string

Default Value: “ “

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long names.


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels.


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full

Exposes an alternate text halo rendering method that sacrifices quality for speed.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing between characters (in pixels). Currently works for point placement only, not line placement.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing between lines of multiline labels (in pixels).


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the shield right.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the shield down.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down.


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The opacity of the image used for the shield


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The opacity of the text placed on top of the shield


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto

The shield’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: middle

The shield’s vertical alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy

Re-position and/or re-size shield to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using shield-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value:

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is shield-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left center right auto

Default Value: auto

Define how text in a shield’s label is justified.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition.


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line pattern symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

An image file to be repeated and warped along a line. Accepted formats: JPG, PNG.


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt

Default Value: radial-distance (geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no offset)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon pattern symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image to use as a repeated pattern fill within a polygon. Accepted formats: JPG, PNG.


Type: keyword

Possible values: local global

Default Value: local

Specify whether to align pattern fills to the layer or to the map.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon pattern edges


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications)

Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt

Default Value: radial-distance (geometry will be simplified using the radial distance algorithm)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a raster symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the raster symbolizer on top of other symbolizers.


Type: float

Default Value: -1 (Allow the datasource to choose appropriate downscaling.)

This is used by the Raster or Gdal datasources to pre-downscale images using overviews. Higher numbers can sometimes cause much better scaled image output, at the cost of speed.


Type: keyword

Possible values: near fast bilinear bicubic spline16 spline36 hanning hamming hermite kaiser quadric catrom gaussian bessel mitchell sinc lanczos blackman

Default Value: near

The scaling algorithm used to making different resolution versions of this raster layer. Bilinear is a good compromise between speed and accuracy, while lanczos gives the highest quality.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 16 (Reprojection mesh will be 1/16 of the resolution of the source image)

A reduced resolution mesh is used for raster reprojection, and the total image size is divided by the mesh-size to determine the quality of that mesh. Values for mesh-size larger than the default will result in faster reprojection but might lead to distortion.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: discrete linear exact

Default Value: linear (A linear interpolation is used to generate colors between the two nearest stops.)

This can be either discrete, linear or exact. If it is not specified then the default is linear.


Type: color

Default Value: transparent (Pixels that are not colored by the colorizer stops will be transparent)

This can be any color. Sets the color that is applied to all values outside of the range of the colorizer-stops. If not supplied pixels will be fully transparent


Type: float

Default Value: 1.1920928955078125e-07 (Pixels must very closely match the stop filter otherwise they will not be colored.)

This can be any positive floating point value and will be used as a tolerance in floating point comparisions. The higher the value the more likely a stop will match and color data.


Type: tags

Default Value: (No colorization will happen without supplying stops.)

Assigns raster data values to colors. Stops must be listed in ascending order, and contain at a minimum the value and the associated color. You can also include the color-mode as a third argument, like stop(100,#fff,exact).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a point symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to represent a point. Accepted formats: SVG, PNG, JPG.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow points to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping points are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

Control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A value from 0 to 1 to control the opacity of the point.


Type: keyword

Possible values: centroid interior

Default Value: centroid

Control how this point should be placed. Centroid calculates the geometric center of a polygon, which can be outside of it, while interior always places inside of a polygon.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a text symbolizer rule.


Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to render a label in


Type: float

Default Value: 10

Text size in pixels


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Define the amount of text (of the total) present on successive lines when wrapping occurs


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Length of a chunk of text in pixels before wrapping text. If set to zero, text doesn’t wrap.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached. If false, wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.


Type: string

Default Value: “ “

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long text.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Distance between repeated text labels on a line (aka. label-spacing).


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing adjustment between lines in pixels.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Allows the label to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line).


Type: float

Default Value: 22.5

The maximum angle change, in degrees, allowed between adjacent characters in a label. This value internally is converted to radians to the default is 22.5*math.pi/180.0. The higher the value the fewer labels will be placed around around sharp corners.


Type: color

Default Value: #000000

Specifies the color for the text


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full

Exposes an alternate text halo rendering method that sacrifices quality for speed.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text up.


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: auto (Default affected by value of dy; “top” for dy>0, “bottom” for dy<0.)

Position of label relative to point position.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Avoid placing labels that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum permitted distance to the next text symbolizer.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum distance a text label will be placed from the edge of a metatile. This option is similar to shield-avoid-edges:true except that the extra margin is used to discard cases where the shield+margin are not fully inside the metatile.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (place labels on all paths)

Place labels only on paths longer than this value.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow text to overlap with other text - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping text is shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Rotate the text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

Control the style of placement of a point versus the geometry it is attached to.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy

Re-position and/or re-size text to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using text-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value:

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is text-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto

The text’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint.


Type: keyword

Possible values: left right center auto

Default Value: auto (Auto alignment means that text will be centered by default except when using the ``placement-type`` parameter - in that case either right or left justification will be used automatically depending on where the text could be fit given the ``text-placements`` directives.)

Define how text is justified


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

Geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a building symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF

The color of the buildings walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The opacity of the building as a whole, including all walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The height of the building in pixels.



Type: keyword

Possible values: collision vertex

Default Value: collision

The mode for debug rendering.




Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen colorize-alpha

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters that will be applied to the active rendering canvas for a given style. The presence of one more more image-filters will trigger a new canvas to be created before starting to render a style and then this canvas will be composited back into the main canvas after rendering all features and after all image-filters have been applied. See direct-image-filters if you want to apply a filter directly to the main canvas.


Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen colorize-alpha

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters to apply to the main canvas (see the image-filters doc for how they work on a separate canvas)


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current layer on top of other layers)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (no separate buffer will be used and no alpha will be applied to the style after rendering)

An alpha value for the style (which means an alpha applied to all features in separate buffer and then composited back to main buffer)




Type: color

Default Value: none (transparent)

Map Background color


Type: uri

Default Value: (transparent)

An image that is repeated below all features on a map as a background.


Type: string

Default Value: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (The proj4 literal of EPSG:4326 is assumed to be the Map’s spatial reference and all data from layers within this map will be plotted using this coordinate system. If any layers do not declare an srs value then they will be assumed to be in the same srs as the Map and not transformations will be needed to plot them in the Map’s coordinate space)

Map spatial reference (proj4 string)


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No buffer will be used)

Extra tolerance around the map (in pixels) used to ensure labels crossing tile boundaries are equally rendered in each tile (e.g. cut in each tile). Not intended to be used in combination with “avoid-edges”.


Type: string

Default Value: (This base path defaults to an empty string meaning that any relative paths to files referenced in styles or layers will be interpreted relative to the application process.)

Any relative paths used to reference files will be understood as relative to this directory path if the map is loaded from an in memory object rather than from the filesystem. If the map is loaded from the filesystem and this option is not provided it will be set to the directory of the stylesheet.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (No map-specific fonts will be registered)

Path to a directory which holds fonts which should be registered when the Map is loaded (in addition to any fonts that may be automatically registered).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: rgba(128,128,128,1) (gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128))

Fill color to assign to a polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon edges


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt

Default Value: radial-distance (geometry will not be simplified using the radial distance algorithm)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: rgba(0,0,0,1) (black and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(0,0,0))

The color of a drawn line


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The width of a line in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: miter round bevel

Default Value: miter

The behavior of lines when joining


Type: keyword

Possible values: butt round square

Default Value: butt

The display of line endings


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of stroke line


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

A pair of length values [a,b], where (a) is the dash length and (b) is the gap length respectively. More than two values are supported for more complex patterns.


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

valid parameter but not currently used in renderers (only exists for experimental svg support in Mapnik which is not yet enabled)


Type: float

Default Value: 4 (Will auto-convert miters to bevel line joins when theta is less than 29 degrees as per the SVG spec: ‘miterLength / stroke-width = 1 / sin ( theta / 2 )’)

The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke-width. Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles to avoid the miter extending beyond the thickness of the stroking path. Normally will not need to be set, but a larger value can sometimes help avoid jaggy artifacts.


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt

Default Value: radial-distance (geometry will not be simplified using the radial distance algorithm)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no offset)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Positive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full

Exposes an alternate AGG rendering method that sacrifices some accuracy for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a marker symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: (An ellipse or circle, if width equals height)

An SVG file that this marker shows at each placement. If no file is given, the marker will show an ellipse.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The stroke-opacity and fill-opacity will be used)

The overall opacity of the marker, overrides both the opacity of the fill and the opacity of the stroke.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The fill opacity of the marker


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the stroke around a marker shape.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.5

The width of the stroke around a marker shape, in pixels. This is positioned on the boundary, so high values can cover the area itself.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line interior

Default Value: point (Place markers at the center point (centroid) of the geometry)

Attempt to place markers on a point, in the center of a polygon, or if markers-placement:line, then multiple times along a line. ‘interior’ placement can be used to ensure that points placed on polygons are forced to be inside the polygon interior


Type: keyword

Possible values: each whole largest

Default Value: each (If a feature contains multiple geometries and the placement type is either point or interior then a marker will be rendered for each)

A special setting to allow the user to control rendering behavior for ‘multi-geometries’ (when a feature contains multiple geometries). This setting does not apply to markers placed along lines. The ‘each’ policy is default and means all geometries will get a marker. The ‘whole’ policy means that the aggregate centroid between all geometries will be used. The ‘largest’ policy means that only the largest (by bounding box areas) feature will get a rendered marker (this is how text labeling behaves by default).


Type: keyword

Possible values: arrow ellipse

Default Value: ellipse

The default marker-type. If a SVG file is not given as the marker-file parameter, the renderer provides either an arrow or an ellipse (a circle if height is equal to width)


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The width of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The height of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: color

Default Value: blue

The color of the area of the marker.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow makers to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping markers are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 100

Space between repeated markers in pixels. If the spacing is less than the marker size or larger than the line segment length then no marker will be placed


Type: float

Default Value: 0.2

The maximum difference between actual marker placement and the marker-spacing parameter. Setting a high value can allow the renderer to try to resolve placement conflicts with other symbolizers.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a shield symbolizer.


Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a shield”s text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to render behind the shield text


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to use for the shield text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (text alignment relative to the shield image uses the center of the image as the anchor for text positioning.)

This parameter should be set to true if you are trying to position text beside rather than on top of the shield image


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The size of the shield text in pixels


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the shield text


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

How this shield should be placed. Point placement attempts to place it on top of points, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of polygons.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Avoid placing shields that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow shields to overlap with other map elements already placed.)

Control whether overlapping shields are shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum distance to the next shield symbol, not necessarily the same shield.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The spacing between repeated occurrences of the same shield on a line


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum distance a shield will be placed from the edge of a metatile.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Length of a chunk of text in characters before wrapping text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached. If false, wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long names.


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing between characters (in pixels). Currently works for point placement only, not line placement.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing between lines of multiline labels (in pixels)


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The opacity of the image used for the shield


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The opacity of the text placed on top of the shield


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto

The shield’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: middle

The shield’s vertical alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple

Default Value: dummy

Re-position and/or re-size shield to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using shield-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value:

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is shield-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: keyword

Possible values: left center right auto

Default Value: auto

Define how text in a shield’s label is justified


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a line pattern symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

An image file to be repeated and warped along a line


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt

Default Value: radial-distance (geometry will not be simplified using the radial distance algorithm)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a polygon pattern symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image to use as a repeated pattern fill within a polygon


Type: keyword

Possible values: local global

Default Value: local

Specify whether to align pattern fills to the layer or to the map.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon pattern edges


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications)

Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (geometry will not be simplified)

geometries are simplified by the given tolerance


Type: keyword

Possible values: radial-distance zhao-saalfeld visvalingam-whyatt

Default Value: radial-distance (geometry will not be simplified using the radial distance algorithm)

geometries are simplified by the given algorithm


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a raster symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the raster symbolizer on top of other symbolizers.


Type: float

Default Value: -1 (Allow the datasource to choose appropriate downscaling.)

This is used by the Raster or Gdal datasources to pre-downscale images using overviews. Higher numbers can sometimes cause much better scaled image output, at the cost of speed.


Type: keyword

Possible values: near fast bilinear bilinear8 bicubic spline16 spline36 hanning hamming hermite kaiser quadric catrom gaussian bessel mitchell sinc lanczos blackman

Default Value: near

The scaling algorithm used to making different resolution versions of this raster layer. Bilinear is a good compromise between speed and accuracy, while lanczos gives the highest quality.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 16 (Reprojection mesh will be 1/16 of the resolution of the source image)

A reduced resolution mesh is used for raster reprojection, and the total image size is divided by the mesh-size to determine the quality of that mesh. Values for mesh-size larger than the default will result in faster reprojection but might lead to distortion.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.


Type: keyword

Possible values: discrete linear exact

Default Value: linear (A linear interpolation is used to generate colors between the two nearest stops.)

This can be either discrete, linear or exact. If it is not specified then the default is linear.


Type: color

Default Value: transparent (Pixels that are not colored by the colorizer stops will be transparent)

This can be any color. Sets the color that is applied to all values outside of the range of the colorizer-stops. If not supplied pixels will be fully transparent


Type: float

Default Value: 1.1920928955078125e-07 (Pixels must very closely match the stop filter otherwise they will not be colored.)

This can be any positive floating point value and will be used as a tolerance in floating point comparisions. The higher the value the more likely a stop will match and color data.


Type: tags

Default Value: (No colorization will happen without supplying stops.)

Assigns raster data values to colors. Stops must be listed in ascending order, and contain at a minimum the value and the associated color. You can also include the color-mode as a third argument, like stop(100,#fff,exact).



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a point symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to represent a point


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow points to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping points are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A value from 0 to 1 to control the opacity of the point


Type: keyword

Possible values: centroid interior

Default Value: centroid

How this point should be placed. Centroid calculates the geometric center of a polygon, which can be outside of it, while interior always places inside of a polygon.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a text symbolizer rule.


Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to render a label in


Type: float

Default Value: 10

Text size in pixels


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Define the amount of text (of the total) present on successive lines when wrapping occurs


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Length of a chunk of text in characters before wrapping text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached. If false, wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long text.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Distance between repeated text labels on a line (aka. label-spacing)


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing adjustment between lines in pixels


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Allows the label to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line)


Type: float

Default Value: 22.5

The maximum angle change, in degrees, allowed between adjacent characters in a label. This value internally is converted to radians to the default is 22.5*math.pi/180.0. The higher the value the fewer labels will be placed around around sharp corners.


Type: color

Default Value: #000000

Specifies the color for the text


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full

Exposes an alternate text halo rendering method that sacrifices quality for speed.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: auto (Default affected by value of dy; “bottom” for dy>0, “top” for dy<0.)

Position of label relative to point position.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Avoid placing labels that intersect with tile boundaries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum permitted distance to the next text symbolizer.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum distance a text label will be placed from the edge of a metatile.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (place labels on all paths)

Place labels only on paths longer than this value.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow text to overlap with other text - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping text is shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Rotate the text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

Control the style of placement of a point versus the geometry it is attached to.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple

Default Value: dummy

Re-position and/or re-size text to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using text-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value:

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is text-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto

The text’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: left right center auto

Default Value: auto (Auto alignment means that text will be centered by default except when using the ``placement-type`` parameter - in that case either right or left justification will be used automatically depending on where the text could be fit given the ``text-placements`` directives)

Define how text is justified


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: keyword

Status: unstable

Possible values: auto none

Default Value:

Allows omitting a building symbolizer rule or emitting it with default values.


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF

The color of the buildings walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The opacity of the building as a whole, including all walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The height of the building in pixels.



Type: keyword

Possible values: collision vertex

Default Value: collision

The mode for debug rendering




Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current layer on top of other layers)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (no separate buffer will be used and no alpha will be applied to the style after rendering)

An alpha value for the style (which means an alpha applied to all features in separate buffer and then composited back to main buffer)




Type: color

Default Value: none (transparent)

Map Background color


Type: uri

Default Value: (transparent)

An image that is repeated below all features on a map as a background.


Type: string

Default Value: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (The proj4 literal of EPSG:4326 is assumed to be the Map’s spatial reference and all data from layers within this map will be plotted using this coordinate system. If any layers do not declare an srs value then they will be assumed to be in the same srs as the Map and not transformations will be needed to plot them in the Map’s coordinate space)

Map spatial reference (proj4 string)


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No buffer will be used)

Extra tolerance around the map (in pixels) used to ensure labels crossing tile boundaries are equally rendered in each tile (e.g. cut in each tile). Not intended to be used in combination with “avoid-edges”.


Type: string

Default Value: (This base path defaults to an empty string meaning that any relative paths to files referenced in styles or layers will be interpreted relative to the application process.)

Any relative paths used to reference files will be understood as relative to this directory path if the map is loaded from an in memory object rather than from the filesystem. If the map is loaded from the filesystem and this option is not provided it will be set to the directory of the stylesheet.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (No map-specific fonts will be registered)

Path to a directory which holds fonts which should be registered when the Map is loaded (in addition to any fonts that may be automatically registered).



Type: color

Default Value: rgba(128,128,128,1) (gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128))

Fill color to assign to a polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon edges


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: color

Default Value: rgba(0,0,0,1) (black and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(0,0,0))

The color of a drawn line


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The width of a line in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: miter round bevel

Default Value: miter

The behavior of lines when joining


Type: keyword

Possible values: butt round square

Default Value: butt

The display of line endings


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of stroke line


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

A pair of length values [a,b], where (a) is the dash length and (b) is the gap length respectively. More than two values are supported for more complex patterns.


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

valid parameter but not currently used in renderers (only exists for experimental svg support in Mapnik which is not yet enabled)


Type: float

Default Value: 4 (Will auto-convert miters to bevel line joins when theta is less than 29 degrees as per the SVG spec: ‘miterLength / stroke-width = 1 / sin ( theta / 2 )’)

The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke-width. Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles to avoid the miter extending beyond the thickness of the stroking path. Normally will not need to be set, but a larger value can sometimes help avoid jaggy artifacts.


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no offset)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Postive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full

Exposes an alternate AGG rendering method that sacrifices some accuracy for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: uri

Default Value: (An ellipse or circle, if width equals height)

An SVG file that this marker shows at each placement. If no file is given, the marker will show an ellipse.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The stroke-opacity and fill-opacity will be used)

The overall opacity of the marker, if set, overrides both the opacity of the fill and the opacity of the stroke.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The fill opacity of the marker


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the stroke around a marker shape.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.5

The width of the stroke around a marker shape, in pixels. This is positioned on the boundary, so high values can cover the area itself.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line interior

Default Value: point (Place markers at the center point (centroid) of the geometry)

Attempt to place markers on a point, in the center of a polygon, or if markers-placement:line, then multiple times along a line. ‘interior’ placement can be used to ensure that points placed on polygons are forced to be inside the polygon interior


Type: keyword

Possible values: each whole largest

Default Value: each (If a feature contains multiple geometries and the placement type is either point or interior then a marker will be rendered for each)

A special setting to allow the user to control rendering behavior for ‘multi-geometries’ (when a feature contains multiple geometries). This setting does not apply to markers placed along lines. The ‘each’ policy is default and means all geometries will get a marker. The ‘whole’ policy means that the aggregate centroid between all geometries will be used. The ‘largest’ policy means that only the largest (by bounding box areas) feature will get a rendered marker (this is how text labeling behaves by default).


Type: keyword

Possible values: arrow ellipse

Default Value: ellipse

The default marker-type. If a SVG file is not given as the marker-file parameter, the renderer provides either an arrow or an ellipse (a circle if height is equal to width)


Type: expression

Default Value: 10

The width of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: expression

Default Value: 10

The height of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: color

Default Value: blue

The color of the area of the marker.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow makers to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping markers are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 100

Space between repeated labels


Type: float

Default Value: 0.2

The maximum difference between actual marker placement and the marker-spacing parameter. Setting a high value can allow the renderer to try to resolve placement conflicts with other symbolizers.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: expression

Default Value:

Value to use for a shield”s text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to render behind the shield text


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to use for the shield text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (text alignment relative to the shield image uses the center of the image as the anchor for text positioning.)

This parameter should be set to true if you are trying to position text beside rather than on top of the shield image


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The size of the shield text in pixels


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the shield text


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

How this shield should be placed. Point placement attempts to place it on top of points, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of polygons.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Tell positioning algorithm to avoid labeling near intersection edges.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow shields to overlap with other map elements already placed.)

Control whether overlapping shields are shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum distance to the next shield symbol, not necessarily the same shield.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The spacing between repeated occurrences of the same shield on a line


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Determines the minimum amount of padding that a shield gets relative to other shields


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Length of a chunk of text in characters before wrapping text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached. If false, wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long names.


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing between characters (in pixels). Currently works for point placement only, not line placement.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing between lines of multiline labels (in pixels)


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 1

(Default 1.0) - opacity of the image used for the shield


Type: float

Default Value: 1

(Default 1.0) - opacity of the text placed on top of the shield


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto

The shield’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: middle

The shield’s vertical alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: keyword

Possible values: left center right auto

Default Value: auto

Define how text in a shield’s label is justified


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: uri

Default Value: none

An image file to be repeated and warped along a line


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image to use as a repeated pattern fill within a polygon


Type: keyword

Possible values: local global

Default Value: local

Specify whether to align pattern fills to the layer or to the map.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon pattern edges


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications)

(Default 1.0) - Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the raster symbolizer on top of other symbolizers.


Type: float

Default Value: -1 (Allow the datasource to choose appropriate downscaling.)

This is used by the Raster or Gdal datasources to pre-downscale images using overviews. Higher numbers can sometimes cause much better scaled image output, at the cost of speed.


Type: keyword

Possible values: near fast bilinear bilinear8 bicubic spline16 spline36 hanning hamming hermite kaiser quadric catrom gaussian bessel mitchell sinc lanczos blackman

Default Value: near

The scaling algorithm used to making different resolution versions of this raster layer. Bilinear is a good compromise between speed and accuracy, while lanczos gives the highest quality.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 16 (Reprojection mesh will be 1/16 of the resolution of the source image)

A reduced resolution mesh is used for raster reprojection, and the total image size is divided by the mesh-size to determine the quality of that mesh. Values for mesh-size larger than the default will result in faster reprojection but might lead to distortion.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to represent a point


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow points to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping points are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A value from 0 to 1 to control the opacity of the point


Type: keyword

Possible values: centroid interior

Default Value: centroid

How this point should be placed. Centroid calculates the geometric center of a polygon, which can be outside of it, while interior always places inside of a polygon.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: expression

Default Value:

Value to use for a text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to render a label in


Type: float

Default Value: 10

Text size in pixels


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Define the amount of text (of the total) present on successive lines when wrapping occurs


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Length of a chunk of text in characters before wrapping text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached. If false, wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long text.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Distance between repeated text labels on a line (aka. label-spacing)


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing adjustment between lines in pixels


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Allows the label to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line)


Type: float

Default Value: 22.5

The maximum angle change, in degrees, allowed between adjacent characters in a label. This value internally is converted to radians to the default is 22.5*math.pi/180.0. The higher the value the fewer labels will be placed around around sharp corners.


Type: color

Default Value: #000000

Specifies the color for the text


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: auto (Default affected by value of dy; “bottom” for dy>0, “top” for dy<0.)

Position of label relative to point position.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Tell positioning algorithm to avoid labeling near intersection edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum permitted distance to the next text symbolizer.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Determines the minimum amount of padding that a text symbolizer gets relative to other text


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (place labels on all paths)

Place labels only on paths longer than this value.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow text to overlap with other text - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping text is shown or hidden.


Type: expression

Default Value: 0

Rotate the text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

Control the style of placement of a point versus the geometry it is attached to.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy

Re-position and/or re-size text to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using text-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value:

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is text-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto

The text’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: left right center auto

Default Value: auto (Auto alignment means that text will be centered by default except when using the ``placement-type`` parameter - in that case either right or left justification will be used automatically depending on where the text could be fit given the ``text-placements`` directives)

Define how text is justified


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF

The color of the buildings walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The opacity of the building as a whole, including all walls.


Type: expression

Default Value: 0

The height of the building in pixels.




Type: functions

Possible values: agg-stack-blur emboss blur gray sobel edge-detect x-gradient y-gradient invert sharpen

Default Value: none (no filters)

A list of image filters.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current layer on top of other layers)

Composite operation. This defines how this layer should behave relative to layers atop or below it.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (no separate buffer will be used and no alpha will be applied to the style after rendering)

An alpha value for the style (which means an alpha applied to all features in separate buffer and then composited back to main buffer)




Type: color

Default Value: none (transparent)

Map Background color


Type: uri

Default Value: (transparent)

An image that is repeated below all features on a map as a background.


Type: string

Default Value: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (The proj4 literal of EPSG:4326 is assumed to be the Map’s spatial reference and all data from layers within this map will be plotted using this coordinate system. If any layers do not declare an srs value then they will be assumed to be in the same srs as the Map and not transformations will be needed to plot them in the Map’s coordinate space)

Map spatial reference (proj4 string)


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No buffer will be used)

Extra tolerance around the map (in pixels) used to ensure labels crossing tile boundaries are equally rendered in each tile (e.g. cut in each tile). Not intended to be used in combination with “avoid-edges”.


Type: string

Default Value: (This base path defaults to an empty string meaning that any relative paths to files referenced in styles or layers will be interpreted relative to the application process.)

Any relative paths used to reference files will be understood as relative to this directory path if the map is loaded from an in memory object rather than from the filesystem. If the map is loaded from the filesystem and this option is not provided it will be set to the directory of the stylesheet.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (No map-specific fonts will be registered)

Path to a directory which holds fonts which should be registered when the Map is loaded (in addition to any fonts that may be automatically registered).



Type: color

Default Value: rgba(128,128,128,1) (gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128))

Fill color to assign to a polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon edges


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: color

Default Value: rgba(0,0,0,1) (black and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(0,0,0))

The color of a drawn line


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The width of a line in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: miter round bevel

Default Value: miter

The behavior of lines when joining


Type: keyword

Possible values: butt round square

Default Value: butt

The display of line endings


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of stroke line


Type: keyword

Possible values: power linear none threshold multiply

Default Value: power (pow(x,gamma) is used to calculate pixel gamma, which produces slightly smoother line and polygon antialiasing than the ‘linear’ method, while other methods are usually only used to disable AA)

An Antigrain Geometry specific rendering hint to control the quality of antialiasing. Under the hood in Mapnik this method is used in combination with the ‘gamma’ value (which defaults to 1). The methods are in the AGG source at


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

A pair of length values [a,b], where (a) is the dash length and (b) is the gap length respectively. More than two values are supported for more complex patterns.


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

valid parameter but not currently used in renderers (only exists for experimental svg support in Mapnik which is not yet enabled)


Type: float

Default Value: 4 (Will auto-convert miters to bevel line joins when theta is less than 29 degrees as per the SVG spec: ‘miterLength / stroke-width = 1 / sin ( theta / 2 )’)

The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke-width. Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles to avoid the miter extending beyond the thickness of the stroking path. Normally will not need to be set, but a larger value can sometimes help avoid jaggy artifacts.


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no offset)

Offsets a line a number of pixels parallel to its actual path. Postive values move the line left, negative values move it right (relative to the directionality of the line).


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full

Exposes an alternate AGG rendering method that sacrifices some accuracy for speed.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: uri

Default Value: (An ellipse or circle, if width equals height)

An SVG file that this marker shows at each placement. If no file is given, the marker will show an ellipse.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The stroke-opacity and fill-opacity will be used)

The overall opacity of the marker, if set, overrides both the opacity of the fill and the opacity of the stroke.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The fill opacity of the marker


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the stroke around a marker shape.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.5

The width of the stroke around a marker shape, in pixels. This is positioned on the boundary, so high values can cover the area itself.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line interior

Default Value: point (Place markers at the center point (centroid) of the geometry)

Attempt to place markers on a point, in the center of a polygon, or if markers-placement:line, then multiple times along a line. ‘interior’ placement can be used to ensure that points placed on polygons are forced to be inside the polygon interior


Type: keyword

Possible values: arrow ellipse

Default Value: ellipse

The default marker-type. If a SVG file is not given as the marker-file parameter, the renderer provides either an arrow or an ellipse (a circle if height is equal to width)


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The width of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The height of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: color

Default Value: blue

The color of the area of the marker.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow makers to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping markers are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 100

Space between repeated labels


Type: float

Default Value: 0.2

The maximum difference between actual marker placement and the marker-spacing parameter. Setting a high value can allow the renderer to try to resolve placement conflicts with other symbolizers.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a shield”s text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to render behind the shield text


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to use for the shield text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (text alignment relative to the shield image uses the center of the image as the anchor for text positioning.)

This parameter should be set to true if you are trying to position text beside rather than on top of the shield image


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The size of the shield text in pixels


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the shield text


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

How this shield should be placed. Point placement attempts to place it on top of points, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of polygons.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Tell positioning algorithm to avoid labeling near intersection edges.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow shields to overlap with other map elements already placed.)

Control whether overlapping shields are shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum distance to the next shield symbol, not necessarily the same shield.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The spacing between repeated occurrences of the same shield on a line


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Determines the minimum amount of padding that a shield gets relative to other shields


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Length of a chunk of text in characters before wrapping text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached. If false, wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long names.


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing between characters (in pixels). Currently works for point placement only, not line placement.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing between lines of multiline labels (in pixels)


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 1

(Default 1.0) - opacity of the image used for the shield


Type: float

Default Value: 1

(Default 1.0) - opacity of the text placed on top of the shield


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto

The shield’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: middle

The shield’s vertical alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: keyword

Possible values: left center right auto

Default Value: auto

Define how text in a shield’s label is justified


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: uri

Default Value: none

An image file to be repeated and warped along a line


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image to use as a repeated pattern fill within a polygon


Type: keyword

Possible values: local global

Default Value: local

Specify whether to align pattern fills to the layer or to the map.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon pattern edges


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (The image is rendered without modifications)

(Default 1.0) - Apply an opacity level to the image used for the pattern


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Smooths out geometry angles. 0 is no smoothing, 1 is fully smoothed. Values greater than 1 will produce wild, looping geometries.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: none (geometry will not be transformed)

Allows transformation functions to be applied to the geometry.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the raster symbolizer on top of other symbolizers.


Type: float

Default Value: -1 (Allow the datasource to choose appropriate downscaling.)

This is used by the Raster or Gdal datasources to pre-downscale images using overviews. Higher numbers can sometimes cause much better scaled image output, at the cost of speed.


Type: keyword

Possible values: near fast bilinear bilinear8 bicubic spline16 spline36 hanning hamming hermite kaiser quadric catrom gaussian bessel mitchell sinc lanczos blackman

Default Value: near

The scaling algorithm used to making different resolution versions of this raster layer. Bilinear is a good compromise between speed and accuracy, while lanczos gives the highest quality.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 16 (Reprojection mesh will be 1/16 of the resolution of the source image)

A reduced resolution mesh is used for raster reprojection, and the total image size is divided by the mesh-size to determine the quality of that mesh. Values for mesh-size larger than the default will result in faster reprojection but might lead to distortion.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to represent a point


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow points to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping points are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A value from 0 to 1 to control the opacity of the point


Type: keyword

Possible values: centroid interior

Default Value: centroid

How this point should be placed. Centroid calculates the geometric center of a polygon, which can be outside of it, while interior always places inside of a polygon.


Type: functions

Possible values: matrix translate scale rotate skewX skewY

Default Value: (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to render a label in


Type: float

Default Value: 10

Text size in pixels


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Define the amount of text (of the total) present on successive lines when wrapping occurs


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Length of a chunk of text in characters before wrapping text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Wrap text before wrap-width is reached. If false, wrapped lines will be a bit longer than wrap-width.


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long text.


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Distance between repeated text labels on a line (aka. label-spacing)


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing adjustment between lines in pixels


Type: unsigned

Default Value: 0

Allows the label to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels (only works with placement:line)


Type: float

Default Value: 22.5

The maximum angle change, in degrees, allowed between adjacent characters in a label. This value internally is converted to radians to the default is 22.5*math.pi/180.0. The higher the value the fewer labels will be placed around around sharp corners.


Type: color

Default Value: #000000

Specifies the color for the text


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom auto

Default Value: auto (Default affected by value of dy; “bottom” for dy>0, “top” for dy<0.)

Position of label relative to point position.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Tell positioning algorithm to avoid labeling near intersection edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum permitted distance to the next text symbolizer.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Determines the minimum amount of padding that a text symbolizer gets relative to other text


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (place labels on all paths)

Place labels only on paths longer than this value.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow text to overlap with other text - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping text is shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Rotate the text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

Control the style of placement of a point versus the geometry it is attached to.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple list

Default Value: dummy

Re-position and/or re-size text to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using text-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value:

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. An example is text-placements: "E,NE,SE,W,NW,SW";


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: auto

The text’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: left right center auto

Default Value: auto (Auto alignment means that text will be centered by default except when using the ``placement-type`` parameter - in that case either right or left justification will be used automatically depending on where the text could be fit given the ``text-placements`` directives)

Define how text is justified


Type: boolean

Default Value: true (geometry will be clipped to map bounds before rendering)

geometries are clipped to map bounds by default for best rendering performance. In some cases users may wish to disable this to avoid rendering artifacts.


Type: keyword

Possible values: clear src dst src-over dst-over src-in dst-in src-out dst-out src-atop dst-atop xor plus minus multiply screen overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion contrast invert invert-rgb grain-merge grain-extract hue saturation color value

Default Value: src-over (add the current symbolizer on top of other symbolizer)

Composite operation. This defines how this symbolizer should behave relative to symbolizers atop or below it.



Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF

The color of the buildings walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The opacity of the building as a whole, including all walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The height of the building in pixels.






Type: color

Default Value: none (transparent)

Map Background color


Type: uri

Default Value: (transparent)

An image that is repeated below all features on a map as a background.


Type: string

Default Value: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (The proj4 literal of EPSG:4326 is assumed to be the Map’s spatial reference and all data from layers within this map will be plotted using this coordinate system. If any layers do not declare an srs value then they will be assumed to be in the same srs as the Map and not transformations will be needed to plot them in the Map’s coordinate space)

Map spatial reference (proj4 string)


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No buffer will be used)

Extra tolerance around the map (in pixels) used to ensure labels crossing tile boundaries are equally rendered in each tile (e.g. cut in each tile). Not intended to be used in combination with “avoid-edges”.


Type: string

Default Value: (This base path defaults to an empty string meaning that any relative paths to files referenced in styles or layers will be interpreted relative to the application process.)

Any relative paths used to reference files will be understood as relative to this directory path if the map is loaded from an in memory object rather than from the filesystem. If the map is loaded from the filesystem and this option is not provided it will be set to the directory of the stylesheet.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (No map-specific fonts will be registered)

Path to a directory which holds fonts which should be registered when the Map is loaded (in addition to any fonts that may be automatically registered).



Type: color

Default Value: rgba(128,128,128,1) (gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128))

Fill color to assign to a polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon edges


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Amount of smoothing applied



Type: color

Default Value: rgba(0,0,0,1) (black and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(0,0,0))

The color of a drawn line


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The width of a line in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: miter round bevel

Default Value: miter

The behavior of lines when joining


Type: keyword

Possible values: butt round square

Default Value: butt

The display of line endings


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of stroke line


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

A pair of length values [a,b], where (a) is the dash length and (b) is the gap length respectively. More than two values are supported for more complex patterns.


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

valid parameter but not currently used in renderers


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full

Exposes an alternate AGG rendering method that sacrifices some accuracy for speed.



Type: uri

Default Value: (An ellipse or circle, if width equals height)

An SVG file that this marker shows at each placement. If no file is given, the marker will show an ellipse.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The overall opacity of the marker


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the stroke around a marker shape.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.5

The width of the stroke around the marker, in pixels. This is positioned on the boundary, so high values can cover the area itself.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line

Default Value: line

Attempt to place markers on a point once or on a line repeatedly


Type: keyword

Possible values: arrow ellipse

Default Value: ellipse

The default marker-type. If a SVG file is not given as the marker-file parameter, the renderer provides either an arrow or an ellipse (a circle if height is equal to width)


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The width of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The height of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: color

Default Value: blue

The color of the area of the marker.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow makers to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping markers are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 100

Space between repeated labels


Type: float

Default Value: 0.2

The maximum difference between actual marker placement and the marker-spacing parameter. Setting a high value can allow the renderer to try to resolve placement conflicts with other symbolizers.


Type: string

Default Value: (no transformation)

An SVG transformation definition



Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a shield”s text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to use for the shield text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (text alignment relative to the shield image uses the center of the image as the anchor for text positioning.)

This parameter should be set to true if you are trying to position text beside rather than on top of the shield image


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The size of the shield text in pixels


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the shield text


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

How this shield should be placed. Point placement attempts to place it on top of points, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of polygons.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Tell positioning algorithm to avoid labeling near intersection edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum distance to the next shield symbol, not necessarily the same shield.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The spacing between repeated occurrences of the same shield on a line


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Determines the minimum amount of padding that a shield gets relative to other shields


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Length before wrapping long names.


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long names.


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing between characters (in pixels). Currently works for point placement only, not line placement.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing between lines of multiline labels (in pixels)


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to render behind the shield text


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 1

(Default 1.0) - opacity of the image used for the shield


Type: float

Default Value: 1

(Default 1.0) - opacity of the text placed on top of the shield


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: middle

The shield’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Whether the shield should make room for a text label.


Type: string

Default Value: middle

Define how text in a shield’s label is justified



Type: uri

Default Value: none

An image file to be repeated and warped along a line



Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image to use as a repeated pattern fill within a polygon


Type: keyword

Possible values: local global

Default Value: local

Specify whether to align pattern fills to the layer or to the map.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon pattern edges



Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the raster symbolizer on top of other symbolizers.


Type: keyword

Possible values: normal grain_merge grain_merge2 multiply multiply2 divide divide2 screen hard_light

Default Value: normal

The blending technique used to overlay this raster image on the layer below. Normal simply covers the layer. Grain merge adds the two layers together and subtracts 128 from the value, making the resulting area sometimes high-contrast. Screen often gives a lighter, washed-out appearance. Multiply multiplies the pixels, giving a high-contrast result. Divide divides the upper layer by the lower layer, making a lighter version.


Type: float

Default Value: -1 (Allow the datasource to choose appropriate downscaling.)

This is used by the Raster or Gdal datasources to pre-downscale images using overviews. Higher numbers can sometimes cause much better scaled image output, at the cost of speed.


Type: keyword

Possible values: fast bilinear bilinear8 bicubic spline16 gaussian lanczos

Default Value: fast

The scaling algorithm used to making different resolution versions of this raster layer. Bilinear is a good compromise between speed and accuracy, while lanczos gives the highest quality.


Type: integer

Default Value: 16 (Reprojection mesh will be 1/16 of the resolution of the source image)

A reduced resolution mesh is used for raster reprojection, and the total image size is divided by the mesh-size to determine the quality of that mesh. Values for mesh-size larger than the default will result in faster reprojection but might lead to distortion.



Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to represent a point


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow points to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping points are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A value from 0 to 1 to control the opacity of the point


Type: keyword

Possible values: centroid interior

Default Value: centroid

How this point should be placed. Centroid calculates the geometric center of a polygon, which can be outside of it, while interior always places inside of a polygon.


Type: string

Default Value: (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition



Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to render a label in


Type: float

Default Value: 10

Text size in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Define the amount of text (of the total) present on successive lines when wrapping occurs


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Length of a chunk of text in characters before wrapping text


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Distance between repeated text labels on a line


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing adjustment between lines in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Allows the label to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels


Type: float

Default Value: none

If present, the maximum angle change, in degrees, allowed between adjacent characters in a label. This will stop label placement around sharp corners.


Type: color

Default Value: #000000

Specifies the color for the text


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom

Default Value: middle (Default affected by value of dy; “bottom” for dy>0, “top” for dy<0.)

Position of label relative to point position.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Tell positioning algorithm to avoid labeling near intersection edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum permitted distance to the next text symbolizer.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Determines the minimum amount of padding that a text symbolizer gets relative to other text


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (place labels on all paths)

Place labels only on paths longer than this value.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow text to overlap with other text - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping text is shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Rotate the text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

Control the style of placement of a point versus the geometry it is attached to.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple

Default Value: dummy

Re-position and/or re-size text to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using text-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value:

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. See TextSymbolizer docs for format.


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: middle

The text’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: left right center

Default Value: center

Set the text alignment.



Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF

The color of the buildings walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The opacity of the building as a whole, including all walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The height of the building in pixels.






Type: color

Default Value: none (transparent)

Map Background color


Type: uri

Default Value: (transparent)

An image that is repeated below all features on a map as a background.


Type: string

Default Value: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (The proj4 literal of EPSG:4326 is assumed to be the Map’s spatial reference and all data from layers within this map will be plotted using this coordinate system. If any layers do not declare an srs value then they will be assumed to be in the same srs as the Map and not transformations will be needed to plot them in the Map’s coordinate space)

Map spatial reference (proj4 string)


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No buffer will be used)

Extra tolerance around the map (in pixels) used to ensure labels crossing tile boundaries are equally rendered in each tile (e.g. cut in each tile). Not intended to be used in combination with “avoid-edges”.


Type: string

Default Value: (This base path defaults to an empty string meaning that any relative paths to files referenced in styles or layers will be interpreted relative to the application process.)

Any relative paths used to reference files will be understood as relative to this directory path if the map is loaded from an in memory object rather than from the filesystem. If the map is loaded from the filesystem and this option is not provided it will be set to the directory of the stylesheet.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (No map-specific fonts will be registered)

Path to a directory which holds fonts which should be registered when the Map is loaded (in addition to any fonts that may be automatically registered).



Type: color

Default Value: rgba(128,128,128,1) (gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128))

Fill color to assign to a polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon edges


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Amount of smoothing applied



Type: color

Default Value: rgba(0,0,0,1) (black and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(0,0,0))

The color of a drawn line


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The width of a line in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: miter round bevel

Default Value: miter

The behavior of lines when joining


Type: keyword

Possible values: butt round square

Default Value: butt

The display of line endings


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of stroke line


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

A pair of length values [a,b], where (a) is the dash length and (b) is the gap length respectively. More than two values are supported for more complex patterns.


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

valid parameter but not currently used in renderers


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full

Exposes an alternate AGG rendering method that sacrifices some accuracy for speed.



Type: uri

Default Value: (An ellipse or circle, if width equals height)

An SVG file that this marker shows at each placement. If no file is given, the marker will show an ellipse.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The overall opacity of the marker


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the stroke around a marker shape.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.5

The width of the stroke around the marker, in pixels. This is positioned on the boundary, so high values can cover the area itself.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line

Default Value: line

Attempt to place markers on a point once or on a line repeatedly


Type: keyword

Possible values: arrow ellipse

Default Value: ellipse

The default marker-type. If a SVG file is not given as the marker-file parameter, the renderer provides either an arrow or an ellipse (a circle if height is equal to width)


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The width of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The height of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: color

Default Value: blue

The color of the area of the marker.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow makers to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping markers are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 100

Space between repeated labels


Type: float

Default Value: 0.2

The maximum difference between actual marker placement and the marker-spacing parameter. Setting a high value can allow the renderer to try to resolve placement conflicts with other symbolizers.


Type: string

Default Value: (no transformation)

An SVG transformation definition



Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a shield”s text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to use for the shield text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (text alignment relative to the shield image uses the center of the image as the anchor for text positioning.)

This parameter should be set to true if you are trying to position text beside rather than on top of the shield image


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The size of the shield text in pixels


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the shield text


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

How this shield should be placed. Point placement attempts to place it on top of points, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of polygons.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Tell positioning algorithm to avoid labeling near intersection edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum distance to the next shield symbol, not necessarily the same shield.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The spacing between repeated occurrences of the same shield on a line


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Determines the minimum amount of padding that a shield gets relative to other shields


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Length before wrapping long names.


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long names.


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing between characters (in pixels). Currently works for point placement only, not line placement.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing between lines of multiline labels (in pixels)


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to render behind the shield text


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 1

(Default 1.0) - opacity of the image used for the shield


Type: float

Default Value: 1

(Default 1.0) - opacity of the text placed on top of the shield


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: middle

The shield’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Whether the shield should make room for a text label.


Type: string

Default Value: middle

Define how text in a shield’s label is justified



Type: uri

Default Value: none

An image file to be repeated and warped along a line



Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image to use as a repeated pattern fill within a polygon


Type: keyword

Possible values: local global

Default Value: local

Specify whether to align pattern fills to the layer or to the map.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon pattern edges



Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the raster symbolizer on top of other symbolizers.


Type: keyword

Possible values: normal grain_merge grain_merge2 multiply multiply2 divide divide2 screen hard_light

Default Value: normal

The blending technique used to overlay this raster image on the layer below. Normal simply covers the layer. Grain merge adds the two layers together and subtracts 128 from the value, making the resulting area sometimes high-contrast. Screen often gives a lighter, washed-out appearance. Multiply multiplies the pixels, giving a high-contrast result. Divide divides the upper layer by the lower layer, making a lighter version.


Type: float

Default Value: -1 (Allow the datasource to choose appropriate downscaling.)

This is used by the Raster or Gdal datasources to pre-downscale images using overviews. Higher numbers can sometimes cause much better scaled image output, at the cost of speed.


Type: keyword

Possible values: fast bilinear bilinear8 bicubic spline16 gaussian lanczos

Default Value: fast

The scaling algorithm used to making different resolution versions of this raster layer. Bilinear is a good compromise between speed and accuracy, while lanczos gives the highest quality.


Type: integer

Default Value: 16 (Reprojection mesh will be 1/16 of the resolution of the source image)

A reduced resolution mesh is used for raster reprojection, and the total image size is divided by the mesh-size to determine the quality of that mesh. Values for mesh-size larger than the default will result in faster reprojection but might lead to distortion.



Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to represent a point


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow points to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping points are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A value from 0 to 1 to control the opacity of the point


Type: keyword

Possible values: centroid interior

Default Value: centroid

How this point should be placed. Centroid calculates the geometric center of a polygon, which can be outside of it, while interior always places inside of a polygon.


Type: string

Default Value: (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition



Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to render a label in


Type: float

Default Value: 10

Text size in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Define the amount of text (of the total) present on successive lines when wrapping occurs


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Length of a chunk of text in characters before wrapping text


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Distance between repeated text labels on a line


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing adjustment between lines in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Allows the label to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels


Type: float

Default Value: none

If present, the maximum angle change, in degrees, allowed between adjacent characters in a label. This will stop label placement around sharp corners.


Type: color

Default Value: #000000

Specifies the color for the text


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom

Default Value: middle (Default affected by value of dy; “bottom” for dy>0, “top” for dy<0.)

Position of label relative to point position.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Tell positioning algorithm to avoid labeling near intersection edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum permitted distance to the next text symbolizer.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Determines the minimum amount of padding that a text symbolizer gets relative to other text


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (place labels on all paths)

Place labels only on paths longer than this value.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow text to overlap with other text - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping text is shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Rotate the text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

Control the style of placement of a point versus the geometry it is attached to.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple

Default Value: dummy

Re-position and/or re-size text to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using text-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value:

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. See TextSymbolizer docs for format.


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: middle

The text’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: left right center

Default Value: center

Set the text alignment.



Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF

The color of the buildings walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The opacity of the building as a whole, including all walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The height of the building in pixels.






Type: color

Default Value: none (transparent)

Map Background color


Type: uri

Default Value: (transparent)

An image that is repeated below all features on a map as a background.


Type: string

Default Value: +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs (The proj4 literal of EPSG:4326 is assumed to be the Map’s spatial reference and all data from layers within this map will be plotted using this coordinate system. If any layers do not declare an srs value then they will be assumed to be in the same srs as the Map and not transformations will be needed to plot them in the Map’s coordinate space)

Map spatial reference (proj4 string)


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (No buffer will be used)

Extra tolerance around the map (in pixels) used to ensure labels crossing tile boundaries are equally rendered in each tile (e.g. cut in each tile). Not intended to be used in combination with “avoid-edges”.


Type: string

Default Value: (This base path defaults to an empty string meaning that any relative paths to files referenced in styles or layers will be interpreted relative to the application process.)

Any relative paths used to reference files will be understood as relative to this directory path if the map is loaded from an in memory object rather than from the filesystem. If the map is loaded from the filesystem and this option is not provided it will be set to the directory of the stylesheet.


Type: uri

Default Value: none (No map-specific fonts will be registered)

Path to a directory which holds fonts which should be registered when the Map is loaded (in addition to any fonts that may be automatically registered).



Type: color

Default Value: rgba(128,128,128,1) (gray and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(128,128,128))

Fill color to assign to a polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon edges


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the polygon


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no smoothing) Range: 0-1 Amount of smoothing applied



Type: color

Default Value: rgba(0,0,0,1) (black and fully opaque (alpha = 1), same as rgb(0,0,0))

The color of a drawn line


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The width of a line in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: miter round bevel

Default Value: miter

The behavior of lines when joining


Type: keyword

Possible values: butt round square

Default Value: butt

The display of line endings


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of stroke line


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

A pair of length values [a,b], where (a) is the dash length and (b) is the gap length respectively. More than two values are supported for more complex patterns.


Type: numbers

Default Value: none (solid line)

valid parameter but not currently used in renderers


Type: keyword

Possible values: full fast

Default Value: full

Exposes an alternate AGG rendering method that sacrifices some accuracy for speed.



Type: uri

Default Value: (An ellipse or circle, if width equals height)

An SVG file that this marker shows at each placement. If no file is given, the marker will show an ellipse.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The overall opacity of the marker


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the stroke around a marker shape.


Type: float

Default Value: 0.5

The width of the stroke around the marker, in pixels. This is positioned on the boundary, so high values can cover the area itself.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of a line


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line

Default Value: line

Attempt to place markers on a point once or on a line repeatedly


Type: keyword

Possible values: arrow ellipse

Default Value: ellipse

The default marker-type. If a SVG file is not given as the marker-file parameter, the renderer provides either an arrow or an ellipse (a circle if height is equal to width)


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The width of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The height of the marker, if using one of the default types.


Type: color

Default Value: blue

The color of the area of the marker.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow makers to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping markers are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 100

Space between repeated labels


Type: float

Default Value: 0.2

The maximum difference between actual marker placement and the marker-spacing parameter. Setting a high value can allow the renderer to try to resolve placement conflicts with other symbolizers.


Type: string

Default Value: (no transformation)

An SVG transformation definition



Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a shield”s text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to use for the shield text


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (text alignment relative to the shield image uses the center of the image as the anchor for text positioning.)

This parameter should be set to true if you are trying to position text beside rather than on top of the shield image


Type: float

Default Value: 10

The size of the shield text in pixels


Type: color

Default Value: black

The color of the shield text


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

How this shield should be placed. Point placement attempts to place it on top of points, line places along lines multiple times per feature, vertex places on the vertexes of polygons, and interior attempts to place inside of polygons.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Tell positioning algorithm to avoid labeling near intersection edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum distance to the next shield symbol, not necessarily the same shield.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The spacing between repeated occurrences of the same shield on a line


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Determines the minimum amount of padding that a shield gets relative to other shields


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Length before wrapping long names.


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long names.


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing between characters (in pixels). Currently works for point placement only, not line placement.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing between lines of multiline labels (in pixels)


Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to render behind the shield text


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text within shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace shield by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: float

Default Value: 1

(Default 1.0) - opacity of the image used for the shield


Type: float

Default Value: 1

(Default 1.0) - opacity of the text placed on top of the shield


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: middle

The shield’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Whether the shield should make room for a text label.


Type: string

Default Value: middle

Define how text in a shield’s label is justified



Type: uri

Default Value: none

An image file to be repeated and warped along a line



Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image to use as a repeated pattern fill within a polygon


Type: keyword

Possible values: local global

Default Value: local

Specify whether to align pattern fills to the layer or to the map.


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (fully antialiased) Range: 0-1 Level of antialiasing of polygon pattern edges



Type: float

Default Value: 1 (opaque)

The opacity of the raster symbolizer on top of other symbolizers.


Type: keyword

Possible values: normal grain_merge grain_merge2 multiply multiply2 divide divide2 screen hard_light

Default Value: normal

The blending technique used to overlay this raster image on the layer below. Normal simply covers the layer. Grain merge adds the two layers together and subtracts 128 from the value, making the resulting area sometimes high-contrast. Screen often gives a lighter, washed-out appearance. Multiply multiplies the pixels, giving a high-contrast result. Divide divides the upper layer by the lower layer, making a lighter version.


Type: float

Default Value: -1 (Allow the datasource to choose appropriate downscaling.)

This is used by the Raster or Gdal datasources to pre-downscale images using overviews. Higher numbers can sometimes cause much better scaled image output, at the cost of speed.


Type: keyword

Possible values: fast bilinear bilinear8 bicubic spline16 gaussian lanczos

Default Value: fast

The scaling algorithm used to making different resolution versions of this raster layer. Bilinear is a good compromise between speed and accuracy, while lanczos gives the highest quality.


Type: integer

Default Value: 16 (Reprojection mesh will be 1/16 of the resolution of the source image)

A reduced resolution mesh is used for raster reprojection, and the total image size is divided by the mesh-size to determine the quality of that mesh. Values for mesh-size larger than the default will result in faster reprojection but might lead to distortion.



Type: uri

Default Value: none

Image file to represent a point


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow points to overlap with each other - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping points are shown or hidden.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (do not store the bbox of this geometry in the collision detector cache)

value to control whether the placement of the feature will prevent the placement of other features


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A value from 0 to 1 to control the opacity of the point


Type: keyword

Possible values: centroid interior

Default Value: centroid

How this point should be placed. Centroid calculates the geometric center of a polygon, which can be outside of it, while interior always places inside of a polygon.


Type: string

Default Value: (No transformation)

SVG transformation definition



Type: string

Default Value:

Value to use for a text label. Data columns are specified using brackets like [column_name]


Type: string

Default Value:

Font name and style to render a label in


Type: float

Default Value: 10

Text size in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Define the amount of text (of the total) present on successive lines when wrapping occurs


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Length of a chunk of text in characters before wrapping text


Type: string

Default Value:

Use this character instead of a space to wrap long text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Distance between repeated text labels on a line


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Vertical spacing adjustment between lines in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Allows the label to be displaced from its ideal position by a number of pixels


Type: float

Default Value: none

If present, the maximum angle change, in degrees, allowed between adjacent characters in a label. This will stop label placement around sharp corners.


Type: color

Default Value: #000000

Specifies the color for the text


Type: float

Default Value: 1 (Fully opaque)

A number from 0 to 1 specifying the opacity for the text


Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF (white)

Specifies the color of the halo around the text.


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (no halo)

Specify the radius of the halo in pixels


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the X axis. A positive value will shift the text right


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Displace text by fixed amount, in pixels, +/- along the Y axis. A positive value will shift the text down


Type: keyword

Possible values: top middle bottom

Default Value: middle (Default affected by value of dy; “bottom” for dy>0, “top” for dy<0.)

Position of label relative to point position.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false

Tell positioning algorithm to avoid labeling near intersection edges.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Minimum permitted distance to the next text symbolizer.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Determines the minimum amount of padding that a text symbolizer gets relative to other text


Type: float

Default Value: 0 (place labels on all paths)

Place labels only on paths longer than this value.


Type: boolean

Default Value: false (Do not allow text to overlap with other text - overlapping markers will not be shown.)

Control whether overlapping text is shown or hidden.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

Rotate the text.


Type: keyword

Possible values: point line vertex interior

Default Value: point

Control the style of placement of a point versus the geometry it is attached to.


Type: keyword

Possible values: dummy simple

Default Value: dummy

Re-position and/or re-size text to avoid overlaps. “simple” for basic algorithm (using text-placements string,) “dummy” to turn this feature off.


Type: string

Default Value:

If “placement-type” is set to “simple”, use this “POSITIONS,[SIZES]” string. See TextSymbolizer docs for format.


Type: keyword

Possible values: none uppercase lowercase capitalize

Default Value: none

Transform the case of the characters


Type: keyword

Possible values: left middle right auto

Default Value: middle

The text’s horizontal alignment from its centerpoint


Type: keyword

Possible values: left right center

Default Value: center

Set the text alignment.



Type: color

Default Value: #FFFFFF

The color of the buildings walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 1

The opacity of the building as a whole, including all walls.


Type: float

Default Value: 0

The height of the building in pixels.